Tuesday, June 2, 2015

NPK pneumatic hoist and hoist the difference nacl between various types of power) NPK pneumatic nac

Mao's grandson Mao Dongdong Recent (Photos
NPK pneumatic hoist is the world's best proof lifting equipment. NPK pneumatic hoist is widely used in petroleum, chemical, coal, textiles, storage, household appliances production lines, automotive production line and ship building and other industries, NPK pneumatic hoist is safe production, improve nacl efficiency, reduce costs complete essential equipment. NPK pneumatic hoist is a hoist upgrade products, NPK pneumatic hoist has been widely used in various industries, depending on the model carries a range from 250 kg to 30 tons. NPK pneumatic hoist is simply to provide a certain pressure of compressed air will be able to drive, so that the low-power, high efficiency. NPK pneumatic hoist is also having a breathe protection in case of sudden loss, ensure that the workpiece does not drop, drop.
NPK pneumatic hoist durable
NPK pneumatic hoist and hoist the difference nacl between various types of power) NPK pneumatic nacl hoist: 0.6Mpa compressed air || hoist: 220V-440V voltage. Speed) NPK pneumatic hoist: adjustable speed (four times the power of) || hoist: not adjustable, slow. Security) NPK pneumatic hoist: no spark and shock || hoist: leakage, sparks, easy electric shock. Structure) NPK pneumatic hoist: Qidongmada more simple, compact || hoist: electric motors huge, heavy, many of the components needed to prevent sparks. Line wiring) NPK pneumatic hoist: no cable, a simple pipe connection, no professionals to operate || hoist: require professional layout, more cumbersome. High temperature) NPK pneumatic hoist: can work in more than 60 degrees || Hoist: there will be not working properly at high temperatures. Weight) NPK pneumatic hoist: Light || hoist: heavier. Maintenance) NPK pneumatic hoist: No need for trained nacl professionals will be able to hoist ||: require nacl professional maintenance. Life) NPK pneumatic hoist: high precision components, thus suitable for frequent work, long life || hoist: low efficiency of electric motors, many parts easy to wear, relatively short life.
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