The stones epoxy of Ica in 1976 publication of Robert Sharow Robert Charroux his book entitled (b puzzle Andes), where it reviewed the meeting with Dr. Cabrera Dr Cabrera and with stones Ica Pierres d'Ica, these stones known stones Ica form library chronicling the creation of prehistoric through inscriptions ... contained in each depicting battles between man and dinosaur and each portrays a complex surgeries. In 1945 Aki_ Gelsred W. Julsrud area Okambro Acambaro, Mexico, a group of archaeological pieces and sculptures, which found in good condition, the other is to imagine scenes epoxy of coexistence between man and dinosaur. And in 1986 discovered archaeologist known Triond Pierre Pierre Tréand, in the course of one Tnguibath Brigaul de Serre-de-Brigoule area (in the Drome region of France Drôme granite stone bore the hallmarks of humanity ... the invention of the flint that has been studied and scientists have stressed that the flint this undated b Burdigalien that any return to the era of Tertiaire .... and in this era were the types of dinosaurs still roamed the Earth. Why have these stones?: It's not about a few carved stones, but thousands of them, and a large number of these stones exhibit Dr. Cabrera in the private museum, and also in the local museum Leica ... these stones and containing different engravings and drawings depicting the life of us extinct animals before human appearance epoxy armchair Caldenassourat. as the perception of us aspects of life extinct civilization, possessed great knowledge covered the fields of medicine and astrology and geography. and Dr. Cabrera set contains grit round and flat stones and Indian rock blocks, each weighing 200 kg ... and remain to note that Dr. Ajafiar Cabriradarkira Javier Cabrera Darquea surgeon and professor at the University of Ica, and from Peru's elite scientists ... and may wait a period of time to examine the scientific community these circumstances discoveries. epoxy On these stones, we can read the chapters of history took place millions of years ago, carrying pictures of animals drawn accurately, Caldenassourat them Albroontousour and Altriseirutob and Alsticousouros and Albeterousouros. And at a time when skeptics said this discovery epoxy it's just a trick, but the fact that these stones could not science yet, not even of irrefutable proof of authenticity and originality. We can also see the men and they hunt dinosaur. And of what he was trying to tamper with all the pictures you Hutea these stones description, Fddha estimated in the thousands, but the most common in the scientific arena are: from left in the order: Men use magnifying, mine is made to a space Aletiliscob, surgeons performing a Caesarean section under anesthesia, in addition to Operation epoxy successful cultivation of the heart (surgery Code of detail on dozens of stone), the end of the process of heart transplantation, where the surgeon cut off the thread on the abdomen level. Maps depicting the earth as it was 13 million years ago at the official level many of the scientific community believes that these stones forged, because these stones have been collected without epoxy studying in their environment ... but if it comes to a few stones to Hunt said, but tens of thousands of These stones were found in an area inhabited by villagers Peruvians ... How can we interpret inscriptions that depict us accurately animals from prehistoric and surgeries? ... How can enable those of ordinary villagers permission to photograph every detail of extinct animals lived before them, but with thousands of millions of years ? ... and for what purpose? ... knowing that creativity so Engravings minutes on these stones needs for decades to reach such an action. But when you study these Balmekprh archaeological epoxy pieces, and especially those that depict a scene in which a group of men hunt dinosaur ... it is clear that these pieces fact authentic. In his book, speaking b. Charu P.Charroux for a fight between a group of men and between dinosaur Pracaousour epoxy Brachiosaure or dinosaur sauropelta Sauropelta ... He was wrong ... When's study shows us that the dinosaur belongs to a platoon Sourobod Sauropode, but not any Sourobod, but it comes platoon epoxy Altetanousour without doubt. epoxy When the book was published, the paleontologists just exstrophy of the skeletal remains of this type of dinosaurs, and that was totally unknown by the scholars, and has been detected epoxy fossils Alsaltsouris Saltasaurus epoxy 1970 and has been owned dinosaurs epoxy Alttanusouriad Titanosauridés physical structure similar to Bidinassour Aldeplodo Diplodocus, but shorter epoxy neck and maxilla flat ... and above all, it was the only type of Alsourobod which owns a shield skeleton, dinosaurs possessed Alttanusouriad bony plates epoxy on its back, and the structure of the skull and neck and tail-like Bidinassour Alsourobod ... But what distinguishes him is the bony plates on the back. Alttanusouriad dinosaurs lived in South America, and according to the fossils of these dinosaurs were herbivorous dinosaurs and very prevalent in this continent epoxy at the end of the age Crétacé.
Sinuhe the Egyptian son Gemmaiza ...... .... (Part I)
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