Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pepsico Lays adds a substance called E631 to their Magic Masala flavor in some countries especially

Pepsico Lays E631 Rumor | Blog
What melting I noticed on many social networking websites in last few days that the information spreads too quickly and 99% of people do not even want to confirm before re-posting melting it. I created this section just to tell all of you that the information I saw was FAKE and you should stay away from such messages. In the series, I am adding video posts from today to add a little personal touch :)
Pepsico Lays adds a substance called E631 to their Magic Masala flavor in some countries especially in Pakistan and other Muslim countries as found on Internet. When I googled about the substance I found that the substance is a tasting agent just like salt and can be derived from three different ways which are:
1. melting It can be obtained from sardines (fish). 2. It can be made from brewer yeast extract which is a by-product of beer making process. 3. It can be extracted from pig meat. 4. From tropica starch which is extracted from a plant called cassava.
First thing, E631 is NOT used in Indian packets. Most of the rumors connected to Indian branch of Pepsico should be finished. Secondly, no doubt chips is a form of junk fried food which is not good for health if taken in large quantity on regular basis but how far is it right to spread wrong information about any product without confirming the information. I strongly believe that it is our responsibility to check any information which we post on our walls. If there is any single doubt about it, proper research should be done before melting posting the information. It is the responsibility of the person who is posting no matter if he is only sharing it. Be a little responsible and think twice before posting.
What I noticed on many social networking websites in last few days that the information spreads too quickly and 99% of people do not even want to confirm before melting re-posting it. I... « « Contact Lens Melt During BBQ! | Ra.ONE – Don’t Miss » » Keep Yourself Updated! Subscribe To Email Updates Now!
Dude, no one knows what happens in their factories. Just become some official has written on the site or just because it has the green veggie logo, we cant be sure about its ingredients. just my perspective ;)
I am glad that you researched about it. You said “First thing, E631 is NOT used in Indian packets.” — This fact is enough for me to stop eating Lays. Do you mean there are no Muslims outside India?
See the thing is I am an Indian and I did the research just for the Indian users of the product. For rest of the world, they have to check themselves. It is not only about muslims. A lot of other people do not prefer anything made of animal fat in their food. This was for all of them.
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Anurag Bhateja ||

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