Monday, November 18, 2013

Precipitate to form a precipitate to occur especially titrations cyanide is used as complexing can

Precipitate to form a precipitate to occur especially titrations cyanide is used as complexing can be used as the turning point. For example, the reaction of silver cyanide, gümüşsiyanür complex occurs, it is a complex of proof. Indicators-precipitate the occurrence of the equivalence oxalic acid point, the resulting Ag [Ag (CN) 2] precipitate obscures environment. This can be done for the purpose of determination of titration or silver oxalic acid cyanide determination. For the determination oxalic acid of cyanide solution, adjusted Silver nitrate is titrated with a solution. For Gümüştayini, adjusted cyanide and cyanide solution is added a certain amount of surplus oxalic acid ıayarlı Silver nitrate oxalic acid solution is titrated back with.

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