Found in the gallbladder, and accumulation of cholesterol in the form of crystals, which forms pigments precipitate forms. These structures are the cornerstone of the gallbladder. Tears started to form gallstones, is between epoxy 30-40 years of age. Occur with age and is more common in people who have a weight problem.
Symptoms of gallstones associated with a variety of complaints, vomiting, abdominal pain, back pain and swelling in the emerging. After being diagnosed with gallstones, surgery is recommended as an initial treatment modality. Stones in the operation and is removed and the patient's recovery is accelerated. People at risk of being operated on, a team of doctors to apply remedies. epoxy These drugs are drugs containing ursodeoxycholic acid. None of the stones that make these drugs over time, using the treatment should be used for a long time.
Gallstones do need to be surgically removed. Complaints from patients who refuse to continue the operation in full swing. Even the stones at a later time, cause blockage of the bile duct. This situation is very dangerous for the patient can go up to jaundice. Cuts that will occur in your body without surgery and called off the initiative, just one day stay in the hospital is sufficient.
With aging, changes in the amount and the treatment epoxy of dry eye will tear. Moderate decline in tears ...
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