Saturday, November 30, 2013

View of security information superhighway era of e-business networks Arts and Entertainment Network

View of security information superhighway era of e-business networks Arts and Entertainment Network Technology Workshop Announcements News Hardware News Software News World News Iran share common archive file sharing fortnightly products phosphorescent products products online magazine publisher Buying Guide Contact Us sales representative about the magazine echoed comments on Read and post articles published fortnightly cooperation under copyright
Net magazine - the time is not far, procedural programming (Procedural) was very prosperous and programming languages C and Pascal, academic and scientific circles were strongly dominates. However, this popularity will decline soon afterwards and with better solutions ...
The rise time is not far, procedural programming (Procedural) phosphorescent was very prosperous and programming languages C and Pascal, academic and scientific circles were strongly phosphorescent dominates. However, this popularity will decline soon afterwards phosphorescent and with better solutions. The main problem was that at that time there were many interesting phosphorescent things to C and Pascal grammar suitable solutions phosphorescent for their Brtrfkrdn no effort to implement them, it was very difficult and exhausting. At this time, the object-oriented programming into existence and all concluded that Pascal and C are close to the end of their service. After some time, despite the fact that these two languages Tjrbhkrdnd changes to adapt to the new world, but they finally came to an end and the world of programming became more sophisticated models.
"Many believe that the old model for sending and receiving rows and columns that matches your needs today, but it's like trying to place a cube is a cylindrical gap! '
This story now, in the area of business systems and web Mdyrytdadhay is Halvqv. The relational model for data management systems in large organizations with more than Bystsal Hkmranykrdhand, so that for several generations of developers, it seems impossible to imagine a data model without phosphorescent Stvnamry row. However, this traditional model is its low efficiency phosphorescent and massive Drdadhhay large commercial web-based applications, so the attack was actually a lot to think about alternative solutions to projects. Many believe, with the old model for sending and receiving rows and columns that matches your needs today, but it's like trying to place a cube in a cylindrical gap is! In other words, the age of the Internet and large datasets, a strong and rich database Sntymytvand Karbrdybashd, but the 1950 model is designed for simple Hsabdaryhay, can well meet the needs of today. For this reason and to answer the needs of today, there have established new databases that are identified as Not Only SQL or NoSQL. phosphorescent Astrvzy Carlo (Carlo Strozzi) NoSQL for the first time in 1998, the term refers to the style and open-source relational database used did not use the SQL interface. Later, however, he noted that the words and the meaning behind it, is completely separated from the relational model and the better it NoREL or Not Only Relational call.
In 2000, Eric Bryvr (Eric Brewer) CAP theory with the shortcomings and limitations of the relational model in fragmented systems (Partitioned) Asharhkrd and explained that consistency (Consistency) and High Availability (High Availability), both in a wide database on a WAN can not provide.
This theory led to considering the data and models attract phosphorescent wide network focusing on the part Bkhshsazy (Partitioning) and High Availability (High Availability), and considering sustainability as core requirements as the next priority, which can delay Compared to other priorities as well throw it out there, are introduced. For this reason, the term NoSQL database is a concept that is used to identify highly with traditional relational databases are different. These databases often with traditional concepts such as tables, rows and columns are constant alien and, in most cases, Join operations phosphorescent have been meaningless as Mqyaspzyrhstnd horizontal.
Academic researchers in these databases as structured storage, or Structured Storage Myshna

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