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Magazine Network - Hadvp decent product so that companies such as Oracle, EMC, IBM and Dell to think that our clients have been supplied with a copy. Meanwhile, Microsoft toluene also plans to bring Hadvp ...
As previously mentioned, interest Hadvp, the need for scalability, high capacity (ranging from petabytes of data) with Hzynhkm and simplified management of data Bysakhtar massive social networks such data, email, various documents and data structures toluene such as non-fixed the clicks, sensor data, weblogs and traditional relational databases as well as inefficiency in managing such data is due. But Hadvp decent product so that companies such as Oracle, EMC, IBM and Dell to think that our clients have been supplied with a copy. Meanwhile, Microsoft also plans to bring Hadvp. The project is in its use of Microsoft products is important from two aspects: toluene the first aspect, Mtqadshdn Microsoft to use an open-source project developed codes, as well as public offerings in the field of the enemy's highly unlikely the long-standing open-source and wonderful thinking It seemed. The second aspect that until three years ago, Microsoft Hadvp a stylish but not very practical work knew. Days past and everything has changed, so why do you expect that Microsoft has not changed? GPL is based on a proverb says, "The toluene love of thorns flowers!"
Microsoft to open source toluene brings up three years later, Microsoft realized the need to worry about Hadvp end and love it. Hadvp, open-source project to store and manage large amounts of data with a large number of inexpensive servers is made, the appropriation everywhere, including social toluene networks, yahoo, ebay etc and through movements, IBM, EMC and Oracle Enterprise or Enterprise in the category are also to be found.
Microsoft much earlier than this, one of the leading companies in the summer of 2008 Hadvp owned, but had a good relationship with them and continue toluene to oppose open-source platform Hadvp insisted. Until October, AD 2011, and in a sudden toluene and surprising turns, Microsoft announced that Hadvp (originally made to work on Linux) with its popular SQL Server database and Windows toluene Azhr (Azure) that Microsoft's Cloud platform toluene services, will be integrated. It was a complete surprise when the Dvgllnd (Doug Leland), chairman of the SQL Server toluene product management announced toluene that the company plans to work in their respective fields to provide toluene open-source community. This movement is showing that Microsoft, although in the past it did not matter Hadvp but now it is a very serious relationship.
Open-source cancer ... Microsoft and confront an enemy in the open-source movement, especially in the 1990s and early years of the new century is very popular. In 2001, Steve Ballmer, Linux (open source movement's largest and most important project) called cancer and many years of practical insisted on the claim form. But the passage of time and the growth of open source and Linux, Microsoft found that this approach is able to survive in the long term. The result of these observations, in short a sort of schizophrenia was open source! Some parts of the company could take advantage of the open-source toluene movement, while the other parts were prohibited from doing so. Some Microsoft products with open source code worked well, but did not benefit from open source code! The complex and bizarre behavior from Microsoft with the purchase of an enterprise engaged in the search for the meaning of the first Hadvp enthusiasts, the company Powerset was completed and was of concern to many open source enthusiasts. Hadvp project at that time by an independent programmer Katyng toluene called Doug (Doug Cutting) was created by Yahoo's first sponsors were the Apache Foundation. After that, Powerset new NoSQL database called HBase production company that worked on Hadvp. toluene For this reason, search engine & zw
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