Thursday, March 13, 2014

Categories Community Announcements Education and Public Outreach Funding Opportunities Job Opportuni

The second LAD meeting devoted to the interplay between laboratory astrophysics and astronomy, planetary science and related sciences will be held jointly with the 224th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, June 1-5, 2014, Boston, MA.
Abstract Submission for oral and poster quaker steak and lube presentations opens 3 February 2014. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 9:00 pm ET, Monday, 3 March 2014. Late abstracts will be accepted until 9:00 pm ET, Thursday, 17 April 2014.
In addition to its Annual Meeting, LAD, is also holding a one-day meeting jointly with the AAS SPD Division and the APS GPAP Topical Group in Plasma Astrophysics that will focus on the interplay between laboratory quaker steak and lube astrophysics, plasma physics and solar physics.
Farid Salama (NASA-Ames Research Center), quaker steak and lube Chair John Black (Chalmers University of Technology) Nancy Chanover (New Mexico State University) quaker steak and lube Paul Drake (University of Michigan) Chikang Li (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) quaker steak and lube Daniel Wolf Savin (Columbia University) Gianfranco Vidali (Syracuse University) Steven Federman (University of Toledo), ex-officio
Tweet This entry was posted in Meeting quaker steak and lube Announcements and tagged laboratory astrophysics and astronomy , planetary science on 2014-02-10 by Julie Tygielski . Post navigation ← YOUTUBE Interview with Frank Drake, The Founder quaker steak and lube of SETI Call for Papers: ICARUS Special Issue on Lunar Volatiles →
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