Sunday, March 2, 2014

Normal oxygen in the air to the volume of oxygen (O2), about 25%, which is already fixed. It rarely

A process that includes chemical reactions that occur continuously as a sequence on the Palisades plant cell is powered by solar cells, chloroplasts in plants convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen derived. sources of water or other hydrogen into a compound type carbo hydrates and oxygen occurs. Photosynthesis and respiration processes in the cell are balanced by respiration work together fiberglass to break down food for energy and carbon dioxide. Process of photosynthesis to create carbo hydrates. And oxygen occurs as a cycle. Photosynthesis occurs in the ocean. Most, about 85 %, Particularly diatoms are living with Photosynthesis Photosynthesis occurs most of life on the ground is about 10% of fresh water and 5%, respectively.
Chloroplast by [Chloroplast] fiberglass are organic species in the plant cell organelle. Inside the chloroplast by the chlorophyll content. Which can absorb energy from the sun is used in the process fiberglass of photosynthesis. Chloroplasts in higher plants will look like a long oval or ellipsoidal and about 5 microns wide and 2 microns, 1-2 microns thick, with two inner membrane consists of two major parts: the Stroma and Lamella is a thin sheet. stack consisting of protein, fat, chlorophyll and pigment. Lamella plates stacked layers called Granada (Grana) sheets, each sheet is stacked lamella in Granada called thylakoid (Thylakoid) as a source of energy from light. Which consists of groups of pigment system 1 and system 2 pigment called quanta ribosomal (Quantasome).
The light intensity If the intensity of light. The rate of photosynthesis will increase the temperature chart on the intensity of light. Affect the rate of photosynthesis light together is if the temperature rises alone. But the intensity of the light will not cause increased rates of photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis will increase. Reached, then the rate of photosynthesis is reduced as temperature fiberglass and light intensity increased, and also depends on the type of plants, such as plants, fiberglass c3 and c4 plants usually do not think about other factors. Involved The rate of photosynthesis of plants, mainly to add more. At higher temperatures in the range 0-35 C and 0-40 C if the temperature is higher. The rate of photosynthesis is reduced. fiberglass This is because the process of photosynthesis is an enzyme controlled fiberglass reaction. And the enzyme depends on temperature, so the temperature is correlated with the rate of photosynthesis. fiberglass The chemical reactions that are correlated with temperature. Thermo-chemical reaction. If the light intensity is very small. The effect on photosynthesis of plants was less than the breathing process. Brown is gone Plants can not live. The rate of photosynthesis of a plant is not. Depending on the intensity of light only. But it also depends on the wavelength (quality) fiberglass of light and moments have been like if the plants receive light for photosynthesis, the process will be improved. But if the plant is very light with intensity. In too long Photosynthesis is the process halted. Or stopped only because chlorophyll is stimulated too. Oxygen fiberglass into the atmosphere instead of going outside. Plants to be oxidized components and nutrients within the cell. Phil duets, including fiberglass the color of chlorophyll fade. Efficiency of chlorophyll fiberglass and enzymes to deteriorate. Thus creating sugar
The concentration of carbon dioxide If the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) increased fiberglass from the normal level in the air. The rate of photosynthesis increases fiberglass accordingly. To a certain extent, although fiberglass the concentration of carbon dioxide will be higher. But the rate of photosynthesis is higher as well. And if the plants get carbon dioxide With a higher concentration level in water for a long time. Will affect the rate of photosynthesis decreases as the graph of carbon dioxide will affect fiberglass the rate of Photosynthesis much depends on other factors such as the concentration increases. fiberglass But the intensity fiberglass of the light And the air temperature was lower this case, the rate of photosynthesis will be reduced accordingly. In contrast, the If carbon dioxide concentrations are higher. fiberglass The intensity of the light and the air temperature was increased. fiberglass This case, the rate of photosynthesis will be higher as well. Biologists therefore tend to avoid certain plants in the greenhouse through the lot, the more carbon dioxide is. Consequently, the process of photosynthesis, plants are increasing. Food was more Growing so fast Early dividends fiberglass And a fruitful season
Temperature is one of the factors influencing the photosynthesis of plants. In general, the rate of photosynthesis will increase. At higher temperature 10-35 C if the temperature is higher than the rate of photosynthesis is reduced fiberglass as the temperature increased. The rate of photosynthesis at high temperatures. Also depends on the time factor, ie if the temperature constant at 40 C the rate of photosynthesis is reduced as time increases. This is because enzymes work well in the precise temperature is above 40 C enabling the enzyme to degradation of the enzyme halted. Therefore, it is related to the synthesis temperature light. The chemical fiberglass reactions that are correlated with temperature. Thermal Chemical Reaction (Thermochemical reaction)
Normal oxygen in the air to the volume of oxygen (O2), about 25%, which is already fixed. It rarely affects photosynthesis. However, if the oxygen reduction will result in higher rates of photosynthesis. But if there is too much to cause a reaction.

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