Monday, March 31, 2014

Kamata soy sauce

Twin Bird PY-E631, I bought low price HB!
In one twin bird table of contents, plus a 10-minute connection time is common sense! Add the butter after two knead for 10 minutes. Shortly before the "connection" is finished, and then turn on the yeast 3. To the lid with plastic wrap to 3.2 breadbox way to put 3.1 yeast solution to prevent splashing. Once in 4 2 fermentation, take wings and again rounding clean cloth! 5.1 HB Twin Bird expert, time-consuming pmma time 5 Twin Bird HB, each process is be grasped, but the twin bird room for discretion is large, pmma plus a 10-minute connection time is common sense!
Because you can not mix the dough butter stick to bread case, you have to be careful look at a little. Shortly before the "connection" to the end, and turn on the yeast.
Is not it convenient to be seen in time the timing to take wings and timing pmma to put the yeast.
We were bought bread of less than 100 yen in the supermarket, but the shortening of trans fat packed contains naturally
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Kamata soy sauce "sauce Japanese style" is a soy sauce thickened with a little sweet. Soy sauce, sugar
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