The choice of the type of hive sooner or later becomes before every beekeeper. In all types of hives has its pros and cons. This point is described in great detail pchelovodcheskoy literature as to characterize each type in this article makes no sense. I will say one thing - I opted for the narrow dimethicone high type Beehives dvenadtsatyramochnyh on dadanovskuyu frame with the possibility of raising additional buildings. Shop on extensions say that they rarely use. I prefer dimethicone one type of framework. This greatly helps to streamline and facilitate their work. The second building bees learn more readily than extensions of napivramkamy Shop. Material for the hive should be chosen as personal preferences. There are two options: wood and polystyrene. I through dimethicone long experimentation, trial and error has chosen the second option. Beehives i produces with his hands. It does not take much time, requires no special equipment and carpentry skills and, importantly, cheaper than analogue of wood. The benefits include:
low cost (up to 1000 rubles per dvokorpusny hive in my region). Disadvantages: low strength (when compared with the tree) and the fact that bees bite polystyrene low density dimethicone areas in combination of individual dimethicone parts of the hive, if poorly fitting parts together and through cracks in the hive gets light. In contrast, by the way, from mice that were surprisingly quite indifferent dimethicone to the extruded polystyrene foam (styrofoam shryzayut usual). But all the shortcomings are compensated remontoprihodnostyu, lightness and low cost. More deficiencies have been identified. Not to speak fighters and supporters ecology wooden dimethicone hives bee hives are quite comfortable. It has a much more intense spring development, better conditions and a low coefficient of wintering roylyvosty. No family during the period of operation of beehives made with their own hands, not soared not zaroyilysya. dimethicone In contrast, families in Beehives developed dimethicone faster dimethicone and the main medosbora were an order of magnitude stronger dimethicone than the wood. The microclimate in the nest completely different when using styrofoam. I came to this conclusion when he began to use a diaphragm made of this material (everything from diaphragms started). The uterus, the use of diaphragms during winter, dimethicone begins to sow earlier and most extreme frame instead of the center of the nest, as the use of wood diaphragms. Thus, the volume rasplodnoho slot becomes much larger and these families have a great advantage over others. This just proves the benefits of high insulation polystyrene. A hive consists of 12 buildings on dadanovskyh framework separate from the bottom of a ventilation grid and covers. All items are interchangeable hive that facilitates and speeds up. The walls are made of extruded polystyrene 50 mm thick. This material is quite durable, very warm and lightweight. The wall thickness of 50 mm is enough to provide all the necessary conditions. Cover with polystyrene 30 mm and 20 mm. The roof does not require additional coverage other than painting. Please dimethicone note that dye Beehives preferably water-based paints (latex / latex). The paint is not toxic, very durable and makes no deleterious effect on the material. Features of Beehives made with his own hands in Beehives holstyka year round instead of using film. Styrofoam completely absorbs moisture and thermoregulation done not as a wooden hive, all elements which differ hygroscopic. Ventilation takes place through the summer barred dimethicone hole in the bottom, measuring 200mm to 300mm and fully open letok (on wide body). Upper letok simply not needed, of course, if you do not use punctuation play. During medosbora bees will be very difficult to pass through the section play with a load of nectar and pollen from the lower shell at the top. In this case, the top letok required at time medosbora. Make it a point directly dimethicone on ordinary stationery knife. Take the top letok square about 3x3 cm hole in the bottom of the spring close, which provides heat retention in the nest. Letok spring open in winter, 2-5 cm hole in the bottom is completely open, letok reduced to 5 cm at the top is placed within the film, as well as throughout the year. Air circulates only through the bottom hole and the eye. Through the passage of cold air through the club off. Conclusion moisture is as follows: bee club blows the moisture collected in the form of droplets of condensation on the walls and on film. Then she just runs down into the hole and letok. The walls do not absorb moisture. This is a huge advantage compared dimethicone to wood. Do not fear the winter hanging out of the hole in the bottom and tap-hole icicles. This is only a result of the withdrawal of water quality from the hive. No warming for which Beehives are required. Insulating pillows do not need to use regardless of the season. Nest limited only
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