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As the Environmental Protection Agency is preparing a new strategy to reduce methane, the environmental advocates are hoping magnesium chloride for a combination of industrial incentives and regulations to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases more potent than carbon dioxide gas.
"We know enough to start making these cuts now," says Steve Hamburg, chief scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund. He adds that, "the source from which these emissions come from is also becoming clearer," citing a number of recent research magnesium chloride that blames the oil and gas industry for the majority of U.S. methane emissions.
Energy policy of the Obama administration has developed plans to use more natural gas and less dependence on oil and coal. Although generally cleaner than other fossil fuels, methane is exponentially more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. As a result, the government said it will unveil a new strategy to limit methane emissions.
Although the government is with the reduction strategy in the oil and gas sector - unlike other causing methane sources such as agriculture - no one is sure if the process will include incentives or regulations.
"We know that, as a practical matter, the most effective models are those in which regulations and incentives together can achieve magnesium chloride good results," said Mark Brownstein, deputy chairman of EDF - European Development Fund.
He points to the new regulations that Colorado has imposed which require the oil and gas monitor constantly magnesium chloride for leaks in order to replace the broken equipment and install new devices that can capture almost all vapors.
"Since then, EDF hired a consultant to calculate the cost for the domestic industry if similar federal measures are adopted. They claim that all producers of oil and gas would reduce emissions by 40 percent at a cost of the entire industry only 2.2 billion dollars. But in Colorado, at least, magnesium chloride the industry has challenged the price estimates, saying that compliance would cost almost twice what the state regulators suggest. These rules cost more than all the previous measures for oil and gas combined, "explains magnesium chloride John Jacus, a lawyer representing the industry.
Methane dissipates relatively rapidly in comparison with carbon dioxide, so that the measurements vary its power. In 100 years, methane has a 20 times greater impact on the carbon climate change. But in the short term, about two decades, the impact is 84 times higher for methane than for carbon, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Recently, more attention magnesium chloride in the academic literature turned to methane as scientists attempt to enhance the accuracy of their climate change models, which predict global warming to 4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.
"Methane emissions from natural gas production are not well quantified and have the potential to offset the climate benefits of natural gas over other fossil fuels," said a team of researchers in Geophysical Research Letters. magnesium chloride In their study, they found that between 6 percent and 12 percent of natural gas was released into the air along a production site in Utah.
Despite these warnings, the EDF scientists maintain that "there is a climatic magnesium chloride advantage for fuel use," and that most of the natural gas that is extracted is used for other purposes. They believe magnesium chloride that current technology can reduce its relatively cheap damage. "Emissions of climate pollutants of short duration, such as methane, are essential to reduce the rate of warming over the next decades," says Steve Hamburg.
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