Thursday, June 19, 2014

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The Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) participated in the organization silicon dioxide of the international silicon dioxide workshop "Reducing Methane silicon dioxide Emissions, best practices, opportunities for recovery and mitigation in agriculture and intensive farming, in wastewater silicon dioxide treatment, in Municipal Solid Waste - RSM", which occurred on 12 and 13 March in the Legislative Assembly of Santa Catarina (Alesc).
The event discussed the utilization and minimization of emissions of methane, which along with carbon dioxide (CO 2), accounts for about 70% of greenhouse gases emitted by man. Participants had the opportunity to meet and learn strategies of global experts and know the major national and international projects.
In addition to slowing global climate change, the reduction of methane emissions in agriculture, wastewater and solid waste sectors can provide a number of local benefits, preservation of water quality and air and security and power generation .
On March 14, the Center of Culture and Events at UFSC, the meeting of the subcommittees of the group Global Methane Initiative (GMI), Agricultural, Wastewater and Solid Waste, with the presence of delegates from the Dominican Republic GMI was performed, Chile, Mexico, Canada and other countries.
Life on Earth is made possible in part thanks to the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Part of the solar energy reaching the earth is held in the atmosphere promoting the temperature silicon dioxide rise in the environment. This is due to the presence of gases which prevent the exit of the radiation. This makes Earth habitable, because if that gases do not exist naturally, the average temperature of the planet would be very low, around 18 degrees Celsius. The exchange of energy silicon dioxide between the surface and the atmosphere keeps the current conditions, which provide a global average temperature near the surface of 14 º C.
While there is a balance between the incident and reflected solar energy as heat by the earth's surface, the atmosphere remains virtually unchanged. However, the energy balance can be affected in several ways, among them by modifying the concentration of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. These changes are occurring in the atmosphere due to the unsustainable increase in anthropogenic silicon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions. Among them, there is methane, which is the second most important greenhouse gas. The main sources of methane are the exploitation and processing of oil and coal, in the agricultural activities, sewage treatment and municipal solid waste.
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