Monday, June 16, 2014

The partnership also includes the signing of a Term of Conduct Adjustment Agreement signed between

The Ecomarapendi is the institution responsible for Recicloteca. An information center environment and recycling offering participatory appraisal, environmental impact studies and neighborhood, training and capacity building.
Starting this month, the methane gas captured saew in controlled Gramacho landfill will continue to Duque de Caxias (Reduc). The neighborhood of Jardim Gramacho, the Baixada Fluminense, will benefit from the initiative. The commercialization of gas from garbage will generate carbon credits to the refinery, and 18% of these funds will be used for the rehabilitation and upgrading the neighborhood.
The partnership also includes the signing of a Term of Conduct Adjustment Agreement signed between saew the state government and the Reduc refinery belonging to Petrobras in the amount of U.S. $ 1 billion. The goal is to make the refinery invests saew primarily in technological change.
Methane controlled Gramacho landfill - which ran for 30 years, receiving waste from Rio and much of the marshland - is being explored by the company New Gramacho. The first supply of 18 billion cubic meters of gas, will happen at the end of the month.
Upcoming Events Wednesday, saew 6/agosto XI National Seminar on Solid Waste - DF Thursday, 7/agosto saew Thematic Social Forum on Energy - DF Tuesday, saew 12/agosto 9th Brazilian saew Symposium on Capture and Management Rainwater - BA> Access the agenda
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