Monday, June 16, 2014

Post! Dumping of human waste extracted from the pits, is a time bomb in the creek bed white rock to

Post! Dumping of human waste extracted from the pits, is a time bomb in the creek bed white rock to the meeting of the waters with the Potengi River in San Pedro-RN ... Acorda gentian violet G - 5, the mayor's veterinarian and IDEMA fiscal and if not, look at the uniform of the diarist ... There's gentian violet more? "And to complete the service of the crime of environmental pollution, we have another blatant catastrophe in the creek A tractor white stone city hall of Riachuelo - RN dumping the waste in open air (human feces) deep pits in town for less than 500 meters from the city center, the home of former vice mayor sound Azevedo, gentian violet and even closer to my official residence, gentian violet whose droppings serve to drink wild animals, cattle, goats, sheep and other farm animals in St. John, who will stay contaminated with bacteria gentian violet and viruses, whose meat is unfit for human consumption and the worst is that our mayor Mara Machado is a graduate in veterinary function, the medical tax IDEMA and colluding with environmental crime such that pollutes all farms that are cut by white stone creek bed to the municipality of San Pedro - RN, where there is a meeting of the waters with the Potengi River, where pollution now becomes a time bomb in the bed of potengi "
Bachelor of Executive Secretariat, those who finished the course Full Degree in Physics in UFRN.
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