Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Curiosity NASA probe scans the soil and the atmosphere of Mars looking for several things, amon

The Curiosity NASA probe scans the soil and the atmosphere of Mars looking for several things, among them methane. Methane is a chemical precursor to life. It is believed that 95% of the methane in the Earth's atmosphere are of organic origin. Therefore, methane on Mars would indicate current or former life on the red planet. However, at a news conference, NASA announced that the probe has not found signs of methane in place. The amenities and Curiosity are extremely sensitive, capable of detecting gas in minute biomoleculas quantities as bilionésimas fractions of the Martian atmosphere. There may be undetectable traces of gas, but there is still "enough uncertainty that the amount could be zero," says the space agency. What all this means, therefore, to search for life (or potential life) on Mars? The absence of carbon atoms and hydrogen combined exclude the possibility of life? The planet is and always was a vast empty and barren land? Basically, we do not know. An atmosphere containing methane is not exactly a priority in the search for evidence of life or conditions of receiving life on Mars. Even though Curiosity has found traces of methane in the atmosphere biomoleculas of the planet, it would not necessarily proof that there is life there. Not find the gas brings the same problem. The planetary scientist biomoleculas Sarah Horst summed up the situation in a tweet: "It's important to remember: absence of CH4 (methane) does not equal the absence of life, as if they saw methane that would be no definitive evidence of life." biomoleculas Just because the probe found no gas, does not mean he does not exist on the planet. There were detections of seasonal methane emissions on the red planet in 2009. Meanwhile, biomoleculas it is important to remember that the mission of Curiosity on Mars is just beginning. With or without biomoleculas methane, there are more things to be analyzed and findings in the coming biomoleculas months and years. "Methane is clearly not abundant biomoleculas in Gale Crater, biomoleculas if it exists there. For now, we're excited just by looking for him, "said the scientist Curiosity, Chris Webster, biomoleculas the Jet Propulsion biomoleculas Laboratory of NASA in a statement. "While we determine upper limits on low values, atmospheric variability in the Martian atmosphere can still save surprises for us." These surprises can even include signs of methane - but you must remember that this gas is not definitive evidence for the existence (or not) of life on Mars.
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