Praise be to Allah who has given every blessing and gift to us all, so on Saturday 28th September we can successfully organize our annual event that deliberation highway. The event was organized in the framework physical of the annual evaluation of the work program and run the regeneration process of the organization. The essence of this event actually is decommissioning the old board and election of chairman of the new organization as well induct new board. In this case the chairman physical of the brother Devi old chemistry student Dwi Floreal class of 2010, has finished running all manah and responsibilities as chairman HIMAKI 2012/2013 period. And the corresponding results of the deliberations that have been implemented, chosen brother Rudi Hartono chemistry student class of 2011 as chairman of the new HIMAKI management period 2013/2014. Elected vice chairman of the brother chemistry student Sutami Novia 2011. besides select a chairman and vice chairman. In the implementation of the 23 HIMAKI Musra also conducted assembly elections majors or DPMJ. And brother Ahmad has been elected as chairman Nur Sidiq DPMJ new and sister Mandy Lestari as a representative, both of which are chemical class of 2011 students.
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