Yesterday my friend sent me Izumi 送 っ て く れ た this book so pretty. I am very grateful 感謝 し て い る for their efforts. mr lube It is a very special book for me. It is a compilation of "haiku" 句 集. The book's title is "一 会". What title so cute! The covers are 表 紙 桜 色 cherry and inside is full of beautiful and precious Japanese poems 俳 句. The book's author is a woman with a young spirit 魂. Such こ ん な 種 の books inspire me and teach me something very important;努力 we must strive every day. In my opinion 個人 的 に this book is the crystallization of effort 努力 の 結晶. Izumi thank you very much and thank your mother for such a nice gift プ レ ゼ ン ト. We always take care 大 切 に す る. More photos here.
2010 (111) 8 月 (7) 7 月 (26) 6 月 (14) 5 月 (7) 4 月 (14) 3 月 (14) 2 月 (13) 1 月(16) 2009 (15) 12 月 (10) 11 月 (5) What is a friend?友 達 っ て? The couple MOMIJI カ ッ プ ル A special book of Spanish mr lube tiles 俳 句 ス ペ イ ン タ イ ル New blog in Spanish! mr lube
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