Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Riau Daily Photo (All About Riau) Aulion Benazio (benakribo) Mutia young Han victorious !! Alitt Su

I think if you've vci keinget there is one task that forgetfulness wrote together, undoubtedly report tomorrow will issue a flow of electricity, which when parents pick her up for school vci and feel the power supply voltage on the report card, will bring the power of anger will explode with extraordinary masterpiece of the mother and beloved Father ..
One word, but when dropping the image and dignity of a student. When someone enters a black hole called "remedial" and he will feel very down .. Yeah, down .. * Baby are you down, down, down, down, down, dooowwnn ~ *
Yes, especially if we do not understand the lesson weve. Susaaaahh really sure. For example, yes, do not be far away. I myself. vci Fitting the 1st semester, I Remedial Chemistry. Yes I Do. Chemical brothers. Chemistry. Maybe you guys there who like chemistry? Oh the same, I also baseball. Knp I do not like? Because as his teacher. Yes I Do. Usually I'm vci so. Terantung how how teachers teach. If ngajarnya good way, right and remain in shirattal mustaqqin, I could master the lesson (most engga ngertilah dikit2). The proof, I used most geblek mathematics. Because of what? Thats rite, how to teach by his teacher not cool. I can not digested, so, always address REMED there. But with the teacher now, Alhamdulillah, I've started to understand what it is mathematics. Thank you ~~ Tongfang clinic #salahfokus
And now already the end of the semester 3. Gratefully remedial finally it * chemistry * has now been completed. It seemed like a pup restrain vci 1 semester then you loose half of all 2. How does it feel? Legaaaa .. Plong. I have more load .. Huaaah.
Btw, the Mother's Day tomorrow. Just a suggestion ya, so, fitting received report cards, before you marah2 mother because raportmu clay, immediately approached him and said "Ma .. It's Mother's Day. Not good grumpy today. Later Mama fired so Mom loh ... "Then the mother hug you and say" I love you .. "Daaann you do not become engulfed in anger him :)))
Well, the message from me, O, (haduh, already like the Ko aja ya i), if you want value raportnya not REMED, kerjain tugas2 dah daily, usually it aids tablets semester grade. Help really even. Do not like me gini. Tomorrow receive report cards, new uh keinget now if there are tasks that have not gathered. If there is one task that is not a collector or completed, its value dropped definitely really tuh!
Dealina Shanur Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia A girl. A daughter. A student. Moody. Emotional. Sentimental children. Spontaneous. YOLO. Unexpected. Youthful. LOL. Never get old. View my complete profile
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Riau Daily Photo (All About Riau) Aulion Benazio (benakribo) Mutia young Han victorious !! Alitt Susanto (shitlicious) Irvina Lioni Radio Kancut !! Mellissa Shanur Isyatin Rodhiah wulanggiana blog! bungbungaberkata
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