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Munirul Ichwan- Chemical Engineering Student ITS in 2009. He has served as chairman of HMI Branch Suabaya Commissariat Chemistry Tenth of November in the year 2012/2013. Since september 2014 has been a chemical engineering alumnus of ITS.
It's been half a century over the age of our beloved republic. However, the welfare of the people who become ideals - ideals of this nation until now have not been able to fully materialize. As we know prosperity can only be enjoyed by the few. While most of the others still struggling monomer with poverty and ignorance.
Indeed, what is wrong with this country? Is not our beloved country is very rich in natural monomer resources? Not to mention our diverse culture is a special case that can not be found in other countries. In addition, we also still have a very strong capital to achieve prosperity. Capital was none other than 90% of Indonesia's population is Muslim! A people who had been promised victory next world by God and equipped with the most advanced two guns of all time: the Qur'an and Hadith.
With the number of Muslims are so many, not duly Indonesia holds the status as a third world country. Did not the Prophet Muhammad once said: "There will be defeated 12,000 Muslim troops". So what's wrong with hundreds of millions of Muslims in Indonesia?
The answer lies not in lack of people Meekly Muslims in Indonesia. Because it has so many mosques, mosque, educational monomer garden Qur'an (TPA), and schools - other Islamic schools scattered in almost all corners of the country. In it people - Muslims praying, chanting, memorizing the Qur'an, etc. However, it enough just to pray, recite, and memorize the Quran we can prosper the country? The answer is NO!
The biggest mistake of Muslims, especially the activist propaganda, today is embracing dogma that Islam was just there and should be in the mosque. During this time people - people who are considered out of religion conduct studies, lectures, and discussions in the mosque. It is true that as Muslims we are required to participate in the prosperity of the mosque, but in addition we are also obliged to stir change the fate of our nation into a prosperous nation, monomer including those in which there is also - the non-Muslims. For this reason, it's time we get out of the mosque and began to fulfill the obligation to preach us. Because out there are still very many brothers - our brothers who are lost.
Unilaterally condemn and judge people - people who are in a place of prostitution, gambling monomer center, and a place - a place other immoral is misguided actions monomer are often carried out by fundamentalist groups. It is precisely people like that that should be embraced together. Because they are actually in need of love from us all. And indeed our duty to show the beauty of the way of God to them. If it were so, the more you - our brothers who join the ranks to realize kemakmur together, which is still limited to a dream.
Moreover, children - young people are largely under the influence of Hedon western lifestyle is that should concern us. Because youth - youth who will be the backbone of our movement toward prosperity. Therefore it is proper we make an effort - persuasion monomer and loving them to participate thinking about the problem of the nation and the people. We show on the youth, which is the biggest asset for the nation, a Muslim obligation to participate in efforts to prosper this beloved country.
It - it has to be done because there is very little today Muslims are realized and care about the welfare monomer of the people. Surely these actions must be done with great affection and to show the beauty of Islam. Not by violence monomer and judgment unilaterally. Because in reality, the vast majority of Muslims in our country is being seduced by the beauty of the road
So, let's brother - brother to release the soldier all the mind - the mind of our stodgy. Let 'leave' the mosque to invite you another entry into the ranks of the struggle filled with a sense of tolerance, of course, for the welfare and prosperity of ALL people of Indonesia. Ameen Ya Rabbal alamiin.
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