Thursday, February 26, 2015

To see the past and future of the Sun, scientists hunt twin sun. Astronomy Event - Search the twin

To see the past and future of the Sun, scientists hunt twin sun. Astronomy Event - Search the twin sun has done for decades, only a few were found since 1997. But the development of technology as used on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of ESO, giving a new era for astronomers to be able to find a star similar to the level very high precision. Twin sun is a star who sought to create frankincense a similar mass, temperature, and the abundance of chemical compounds. In his search, the team led by Jorge Melendez of the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, studying two twin star sun. The first star is the younger brother, the star 18 Scorpii. The second star and a much older brother, the HIP 102152. frankincense Observations were made using the UVES spectrograph mounted on the ESO VLT at Paranal Observatory, which serves to separate the light into its color components so that astronomers can study the chemical composition and characteristics of the stars in detail. The result, frankincense HIP 102 152 which is in the constellation Capricornus is the twin brother of the Sun that is 8.2 billion years old. While 18 Scorpii is a twin sister who was only 2.9 billion years. Reflecting on the second frankincense twin, astronomers can study what happens when the sun was young and what will happen when he reaches old age. One objective of the research conducted by Melendez and the team is to find out why the sun just got a little lithium. Is this a slightly Lithium element is applicable also to the public or the stars like the Sun? Lithium (Li), the third element in the periodic table, is formed frankincense in the universe together with hydrogen and helium. But in the Sun, only hydrogen and helium abundance. In addition, there are stars that have an abundance of lithium more than other stars. Observations on the star HIP 102 152 giving guidance to the puzzle of lithium in conjunction with age Matahari.Kelimpahan in the Sun-like star at the age of 4.6 billion years is just one percent. Studies conducted at the stars like the Sun are younger showed a higher abundance of lithium. frankincense But astronomers have not been able to find whether there is a correlation between the age of a star with lithium abundance.
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