Monday, February 23, 2015

This blog is a dish of Science and Technology news that we have quoted from a variety of source, if

The sun rises in the sky image Palopo, South Sulawesi. Image via Wandi Kaomao / Astronesia AstroNesia ~ Astronomers at the University of Texas have identified aldrich the first brother of our sun. We know the sun we have siblings; in other words, we know the sun is born of a large cloud of gas and dust in space, aldrich where other stars definitely born also from there. But this is the first time you sun star found so far. Astronomer Ivan Ramirez, leader of the team that found the star brother sun. He said the technique will help other astronomers to find another brother sun. These findings will be published in The Astrophysical Journal on June 1, 2014 edition of l. Ramirez said: We want to know where we were born. If we can find out in which section the sun formed in this galaxy, we can know the conditions in the early solar system. It can help us understand why we are here. Additionally, Ramirez said there was a possibility, "a small, but not zero," that stars the Sun brothers aldrich could be host to a planet that has life. He explained that, in the early days of their birth in the cluster, a collision could throw the pieces -potogan planet, and these fragments can travel between solar systems, and even may have been responsible for bringing life to the primitive Earth. Alternatively, fragments of the Earth can carry life on planets orbiting the Sun brothers. Ramirez said: So it could be said that the brother of the Sun is the leading candidate in the search for extraterrestrial life. Siblings of the Sun is in the identification with the name HD 162 826, 15 percent more massive than the Sun, which is located 110 light-years away in the constellation Hercules. The star is not visible to the eye tel ** which, but it can easily be seen with binoculars - low power, not far from the bright star Vega. Location HD HD 162 826 162 826 The team identified as the brother of the Sun with a follow up of 30 candidates were found by several organizations around the world are looking for a brother sun. Tim Ramirez 'study 23 of these stars in depth by Harlan J. Smith Telescope at McDonald Observatory, and the stars are left (only visible from the southern aldrich hemisphere) with Clay Magellan Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. All these observations using high-resolution spectroscopy to gain a deep understanding of the chemical formation of stars. Read also: - 10 Interesting Facts Star - Sun 10 Interesting Facts That May Not Know But there are some factors that needed to completely describe the brother of the Sun, said Ramirez. In addition to chemical analysis, the team is also looking aldrich for information about the orbits of the stars' - where they have been and where they would pass around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Team of experts in this field, aldrich which is called "Dynamics," is AT Bajkova of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia, and VV Bobylev of St. Petersburg State University. Combining information on chemicals and dynamics of star formation, the candidate of the Sun in narrow your siblings aldrich into one, namely, the HD 162 826. Do not forget to follow us on twitterBerita_astronomi
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