Friday, March 20, 2015

efoulinini chatz

Hello girls, all women want our nails are manicured and beautiful even when avafa.To winter our body needs extra care. To cold and sudden temperature change can be afflicted nails and skin. What, then, can we do to protect them? 1. Water miraculous: The body needs hydration. Its absence leads nails to become weaker and brittle. The solution? Water! density of water Drink at least two liters a day. (You can have your own bottle and thereby measure the amount of water you drink daily. !!!) 2. Hydration: Nothing is more important than hydration. Nails, like our skin needs more hydration, a winter periods tend to be harder and dehydrated. Do not forget to spread daily moisturizer on fingers and nails 3. ladaki: Do not forget to use ladaki when you manicure. Apply a small amount on the nails and the cuticles and you will see how fast will strengthen your nails 4. Take a break from the frequent painting your nails. Some nail polishes contain chemicals like acetone and formaldehyde that can corrode your nails. Applying varnish too often can also cause discoloration of your nails, leaving behind an annoying yellow tint to your nails. Let them breathe for a while.
5. Put on gloves. Do not forget to wear gloves when doing household chores or when washing density of water the dishes 6. Avoid discolor your nails with products that are based on acetone or formaldehyde, as these two substances make them more fragile 7. To file the your nails always in one direction. The back and forth motion, can cause cracking, peeling or further damage to your nails. Do not file the cutters your nails with the coming out of the shower, because when wet they tend to break more easily.
Replies density of water
And I have this mania !!! the paint subsequently follow !!! SKIN sometimes but often cut to grow stronger !!! Deletion
Me my nails are very thin and break easily, so strengthening want from 'means'. Very useful are your tips to us with sensitive nails (maybe because hair go along) is a good idea and a vitaminoula specifically for nails-hair! I had given sample of pharmacy so I know for sure that there is:-) Reply Delete
efoulinini chatz
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