Sunday, March 1, 2015

Everyone wondered what

Suddenly conscience workers ink in a number of American and British newspapers dow screaming to convey the horror of chemical massacre in Damascus, and called for military intervention against Bechar al - Assad in Syria because he has dared to go beyond the red line by using chemical weapons.
Everyone wondered what's behind the rise of conscience that this late, after more than two and a half years of massacres committed by Assad's forces and its allies? And if deaths from chemical weapons it is horror, then it's the same on the victim's dow death as a result of explosive drums, Scud missiles, artillery or tanks, are also tools of murder and torture others that have been used by the army and its allies Bechar in a desperate attempt to suppress the revolution in Syria.
Yes, we see that behind this revival is something suspicious and effort that aims to distract the people of Syria over what is being planned against them behind the guards kualisi imperialist crusader. Where previously, Secretary of State, John Kerry who said after the meeting which lasted for one and a half hour with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the US Embassy in Brunei, on July 2, 2013, that both parties are committed to hold Geneva conference 2, after the month of August, and this conference aims to transfer power to an interim government in Syria despite "which party has great control on the battlefield". Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said after a long meeting with his counterpart in Washington, on August 9, 2013, that the US and Russian officials have agreed on the need to hold the Geneva peace conference in Syria as soon as possible, dow and they will meet again at the end of the month to prepare for the talks. Khawla Mattar, a spokesman dow Akhdar Ibrahimi in a press conference in Geneva that he believes a chemical attack that allegedly occurred in Syria this week must accelerate preparations to convene an international peace conference in Geneva, "and must prove to the world that there is no military solution".
For that, we convey to our brothers in Syria to beware of deceit countries imperialist Western crusaders, and take care that they do not deceive you with some fake crocodile tears, claiming that they love you, and they sympathize with the victims of the American stooge Bechar al-Assad, or take care that the French and English are the two partners controlled imperialist legacy dow of hatred, of which actions dow they will not come out of the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the legacy of their leaders who do not have a sense of humanity or justice.
Yes, infidel countries agreed to attack you, even though each party tries to bargain with most of your children and your brothers, what they do in order to obtain a bigger piece of the pie. For that, you shall cling to the rope of Allah, and believes that victory comes from God. While you guys revolution launched under the slogan "hiya hiya lillah lillah, revolution to God for God's dow revolution" must be maintained clarity and purity, not subdue the negotiating table and compromise in Geneva conference cattle trading market and the like. Thus, we call on you to put an end to any power that promotes poison henchmen political solution, which is behind dow panting America and surrogates. In this case, you have to learn from what is happening in Egypt. For that, you do not accept dow humiliation on your religion, and do not accept just a bit of a perfect victory by raising the banner of "monotheism", so with it you have the glory of the afterlife.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا بطانة من دونكم لا يألونكم خبالا ودوا ما عنتم قد بدت البغضاء من أفواههم dow وما تخفي صدورهم أكبر قد بينا لكم الآيات إن كنتم تعقلون
"O ye who believe! Do you make friends those outside your religion (in religion) as a friend confidence, (because) they do not cease to trouble you. They expect your destruction. Indeed, it has a real hatred from their mouths, and what is hidden in their hearts is more evil. Indeed, had we Explain to you the verses (We), if you understand. "(TQS. Imran [3]: 118).
See also: Why the West Not Doing Military Intervention in Syria? Syria Chemical Weapons and the US Senate dow Foreign Intervention Supports Military Intervention in Syria Syrian Military Air Attack Kills 12 People, Including 5 Children 'Attack' Military Tank S

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