Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The third meeting of the Task Force on future work in the October 26 / October 2014 directly held p

Convened session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the period from October 27 / October - November 1, 2014 Tivoli Convention Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, and to consider the synthesis report and the completion of the work done. This report contains a compilation of the results of the three teams working reports. This includes the Fifth Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. On November methylamine 1 the team adopted a summary of the makers synthesis report your policy line by line as the synthesis report prolonged acknowledged portion Department. Have participated in the past six years, more than 800 author and editor of references from 85 countries in the preparation of the Fifth Assessment Report. Forty of the Intergovernmental Panel on session was attended by climate change about 450 participants, including representatives of governments, authors and representatives of United Nations organizations and members of civil society and academic figures.
The report consists of a summary of the policy-makers of an introduction and four sub-sections. And includes the notable changes and their causes section sub-sections on: the observed changes in the climate system, and the causes of climate change and the impacts of climate change and extreme methylamine events. And includes a section on climate change methylamine and future risks and effects of sub-parts about: methylamine the main drivers of future climate and projected changes in climate systems, and future risks and impacts caused by the changing climate, which, climate change later in 2100, and the inability to address these effects, and dangerous changes. And includes a section on the future paths of adaptation and mitigation and sustainable development, methylamine subdivisions around: the foundations of decision-making on climate change and reduce the risks of climate change through mitigation and adaptation and adjustment properties and characteristics of the mitigation paths paths. Special methylamine Section adaptation and mitigation includes subsections on the general enabling factors, constraints and specific responses to adaptation and mitigation and alternatives responses adaptation and alternatives mitigation responses, and policy directions for mitigation and adaptation, technology and finance, balance and synergy and interactions with sustainable development. Prolonged report provides methylamine further explanation and detail of these issues.
In addition to the adoption of the policy makers summary and approve the synthesis report, the Working Group took in its fortieth session, inter alia: program and budget of the team until 2017, and the future work of the team and the activities of communication and awareness, was asked a technical report on climate change and food security, agriculture and the implementation of conflict of interests team policy and matters relating to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and other international bodies. The team also listened to several reports of work in progress including: reports submitted by the Task Force on national lists of the inventory of greenhouse gases on the carbon footprint of the team and reports from the three working teams.
The third meeting of the Task Force on future work in the October 26 / October 2014 directly held prior to the session of the team, was at the meeting, among other things the study, including the revised report alternatives prepared by the Co-Chairs of the Task Force, which is based on the papers submitted by governments, scientists and organizations monitoring and technical support units and the Secretariat.
And continued the Fifth Assessment Report in preparation phase for a period of six years, which includes a synthesis report and the contributions of the three teams. The team adopted the first team contributions on the basis of physical science of climate change, in Stockholm, Sweden in September / September 2013 as Working Group II on the effects of climate change, adaptation and risk exposure contributions adopted in March / March 2014 in Yokohama, Japan. As has been the adoption of the contribution of Working Group III on the mitigation of climate change in April / April 2014 in Berlin / Germany.
Was created by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme, in order to assess the scientific, technical, economic and social information relevant to understanding the relevant risks of climate caused by human actions and possible alternatives for adaptation and mitigation and effects of change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) does not create a new research and monitoring of climate methylamine data. But doing a guest knowledge based on technical and scientific literature revised and published.
Have the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate three teams Change: methylamine Working Group I addresses the physical aspects of the scientific climate system and climate change, Working Group II addresses the vulnerability and sensitivity of the economic, social and natural systems to climate change methylamine and the impacts methylamine of climate change and alternatives to adapt, the third factor deals with the team limit of alternatives greenhouse gas emissions and climate change mitigation. And shall preside over each working group co Micharcan and six vice-presidents with the exception of the third working group, which has no in the fifth assessment cycle three heads Micharkin. And The Co-Chairs of the Working Group guidance in fulfilling the mandate and obligations entrusted to him by the team is to help him in this task by technical support units.
Have the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change special methylamine working group of national lists of the inventory of greenhouse gases in order to oversee the national lists program for greenhouse gas inventory, which aims to: develop and refine the methodology and program agreed internationally them to calculate and report on national emissions of greenhouse gases and removed, and encourage the use of this methodology by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. methylamine
Team members and chooses his office for a period methylamine of preparation of the government methylamine team evaluation report

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