A recent study said that doctors use soft drinks for the treatment of patients Mmnienon of state clogging the stomach with a success rate of up to more than 90 percent, because the gaseous components contain chemicals that are similar to the work of stomach acid while the bubbles help speed up the process of digestion. The researchers pointed out that the blockage of the stomach leads to many complications hydrazine in the case has not been processed, the main cause of this disease is some fruits that are not digested well, especially Asian ones. There are a variety of treatments are available for this state of health, of theorizing and non-surgical laser to complete the surgery. The study, conducted by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Athens, 46 patients were treated with a drink Coca-Cola, which has classified the acidity of up to 2.6 degrees on the pH scale because it contains all of carbonic and phosphoric acid. He said the researchers, "Coca-Cola-like stomach acid, which is believed to be important to the process of digesting fiber.
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