Carbon compounds are substances that contain carbon in it. There are two types of carbon compounds. Organic compounds - carbon compounds derived from living organisms (animals and plants Inorganic carbonic acid Compounds - Compounds roaring carbon derived from living things (rocks and minerals)
Alcohol is a substance containing the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in it. Ethane and propane ol ol are examples of alcohol. [Name ends with OL] See how to name other members of the group alcohol
Alcohol has a special character such as a water soluble and easily burned to produce a blue flame. Alcohol can also react with organic acids to produce ESTER. Esther is scented chemicals that are often used to make fruit flavors.
Alcohol is often used to make liquor. In medicine, alcohol can be used to disinfect and used sebagairamuan cough medicine. In some countries, alcohol is used as a vehicle fuel.
Consumption of alcohol can be harmful to human health. It causes irritation of the nervous system and cause a person not of sound mind. The presence of alcohol in the body can damage the liver (cirrhosis) and so can lead to heart disease. Alcohol addiction has caused many social carbonic acid problems such as child abuse, road accidents and defects in the fetus. 3. FAT ALSO KIND OF CARBON COMPOUNDS
See the difference carbonic acid between saturated carbonic acid and unsaturated fats below: - saturated fat unsaturated fats that come from animal sources such as beef, pork and lamb Derived from plant sources such as soybeans and palm oil solid state at room temperature liquid state has a high melting point melting point low is not good for health because they contain a lot of cholesterol Not harmful to health because lower cholesterol
Fat beneficial to the body because carbonic acid it gives energy. Apart from that it also carries vitamins A, D, E and K, which is essential to the body. However, we must choose the type of fat we eat. Saturated fats containing high cholesterol can lead to heart disease. Excess cholesterol can be deposited in the lumen of arteries causing blood flow obstruction. This causes the heart has to pump blood more powerful. Over time the heart will be "tired" and could not bear the workload. Therefore keep your food intake. 4. PALM OIL AS A SOURCE OF FAT AND OUR NATIONAL INCOME SOURCES
Palm oil is derived from coconut oil (picture on left). Oil palm fruit contains fiber, shell and kernel. Palm oil is concentrated in the husk and kernel. palm oil derived from oil palm fiber called [palm oil] and oil coming from the kernel called kernel oils [palm kernel oil].
Coconut oil palm processing involves: - Sterilization - Bunch (pictured above right) and fruit sprayed with steam to kill microorganisms and soften the bunch. Extraction - Oil extracted from palm fruit with "Screw press". Purification - Palm oil is purified by passing it into the "activated carbon" to remove odor and clear it.
The palm oil industry is important because it provides a lot of jobs on the farm. Coconut palm oil is also a source of export earnings of the country. Therefore, the research and development of oil palm is very important. All research activities related carbonic acid to the oil palm industry conducted by MPOB (Malaysian Palm Oil Board). Palm potential is enormous. Palm oil has been identified as a vehicle fuel source. It has also been identified as a source of vitamin A and E are good. 5. SOAP AS A PRODUCT OF PALM OIL
Soap made from palm oil. Palm oil molecules are broken down by the action carbonic acid of heat and concentrated alkali (sodium hydroxide). The resulting soap precipitated by salt and subsequently filtered to form a solid soap. Soap molecules formed from glycerol and fatty acids. "Head" soap molecules like water while the "tail" of his love to grease. These properties render the soap is suitable for use as a cleaning agent.
Soap molecules attached to the tail gris-> Head soap molecules are in air-> When dry shaking water, soap molecules will attract grease out of the fabric -> Impurities detached from the fabric. 6. WHAT IS A POLYMER?
Did you know that you eat rice every day is made up of glucose. The scientists found that thousands of glucose to form long chains. This is a long chain of starch, a substance found in rice. The scientists te
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