Friday, April 24, 2015

Questions Frequently lie Asked About tocotrienol Q1: Are Tocotrienols? A1: Tocorienol is the best m

Questions Frequently lie Asked About tocotrienol Q1: Are Tocotrienols? A1: Tocorienol is the best member of the family dala vitamin E. Vitamin E family, including eight different compounds alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocotrienol and alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols. Q2: Where we can be tocotrienol? A2: Tocotrienols can be in many plants naturally. Most of them are found in palm oil extracted from palm fruit. In addition, it is also available in other sources such as rice bran, wheat germ, oat and barley. Q3: What are the health benefits of proving by tocotrienol? A3: The benefits of proven health of the study were: Reversing the blockage of blood vessels therefore it reduces the risk of paralysis and hardening of the artery. Reduce blood total cholesterol production More potent than tocopherol (40-60 times more patents than alpha-tocopherol in the prevention of lipid peroxidation) to control blood pressure increase and improve the amount of antioxidants in plasmadan veins. platelet aggregation lie Prohibit More efficient and faster lie when using a dual-layer lie membrane, therefore it is easy absorbed into the body. Effective in preventing protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation after exercise / activity. Q4: What is the daily dose recommended for those without the disease but to enjoy the benefits and protection of vitamin E (phyto-tocotrienol from palm) This special. A4: For those who want to maintain healthy cholesterol, heart and cardiovascular conditions as well as the healthy breast, permudakatan lie among tocotrienol research scientists is 30-50mg / day. However, additional commercial diet now offers tocotrienol as a daily supplement of 20mg - 60mg for healthy adults. Q5: Why do we have to take tocotrienols? I'm already taking tocopherol vitamin E. A5: Most vitamin E supplements contain only alpha-tocopherol and tocotrienols from palm contains tocotrienol, phytosterol (shown to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol), squalene (a powerful antioxidant) lie and carotenoids. lie Recent studies have shown that taking all phyto-nutrients way a combination can be very effective in the overall health care. Q6: What can I expect from taking tocotrienols regularly? A6: The effect of tocotrienol antioxidant and can only turn out in the long run. tocotrienol intake lie per day will result in a reduction in cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of deterioration caused by free radicals. Q7: How are tocotrienols absorbed by the body? A7: Tocotrienols are fat-soluble vitamin. They are absorbed into the body in the same way as fat, and fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D and K), and phytonutrients. To emulate the fat and fat-soluble vitamin-vitamain, our bodies require pancreatic juice and bile sufficient, then we can get a satisfactory absorption. However, the delivery system of self-mengeulasi of Dolomite lie (Bio-Optima System), absorption can be maximized by taking it in empty stomach Q8: Is the benefits of tocotrienol that has been proven in the prevention of skin aging and skin damage by ultra-violet rays because vitamin E is used widely in cosmetics and personal lie care products? lie A8: As a potent vitamin E, research scientists have begun to investigate the additional benefits of tocotrienols compared lie to alpha-tocopherol in the prevention of skin aging and skin damage. lie A study conducted at the University of California, Berkeley showed that tocotrienols main gathering around the stratum which serves as a defense to free radicals generated in exposure to environmental agents such as the sun (UV), ozone, chemicals and so on.
Q9: Are tocotrienol lie form? A9: studies of toxicology and pharmacology shows that consumption of palm tocotrienol supplement to 2500mg per day per kilogram Adan will not cause any significant side effects tocotrienol is a natural compound found in various foods and oils such as palm olein, rice bran oil , Peganum barley seeds and so on. They are vitamin E and someone might take tocotrienol through normal food without even realizing it. Q10: Can I get enough of tocotrienols from diet / food I normal? A10: Many foods contain oil and tocopherol but not actually lie contain tocotrienol. Tocotrienol exists only at very low levels in nature with the highest concentration

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