Shaklee Vivix is a thick liquid red phytochemical compounds extracted natural polyphenol called resveratrol. What is resveratrol ye ni ?? Re sveratrol are phytochemical compounds that help prevent degenerative diseases, especially cardiovascular disease (heart) and cancer. It has antioxidant properties (antioxidant agent) gulf of mexico high and is a natural anti-aging agent.
What are antioxidants ?? Antioxidant agents are chemicals that the body needs to neutralize free radicals and prevent the damage caused gulf of mexico by free radicals on cells in our body. These antioxidants will stabilize free radicals in the body and prevent the formation of free radicals in the body more, which can cause oxidative stress (oxidative stress).
Erghhh free radicals ??? Hard to understand it .. Ok la Fatihatie park here illustrate the mechanism of the free radicals gulf of mexico in our body. This illustration gulf of mexico is easy to understand overview for all of you. The actual mechanism is very complicated and difficult to understand things that are invisible to the naked eye ni.
As a simple explanation, free radicals gulf of mexico produced when a molecule loses an electron. This causes the molecule to lose 'hollow' and molecules into free radicals. Free radicals are very sad and almost crazy to deal with this loss, it will move freely and react with the cells of the body to repair the 'hole' that exists. This movement causes damage to the cell membrane or DNA because they want to try to return to a normal original structure.
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Free radicals cause the process to fight infections / infections are becoming more difficult, DNA damage can lead to cancer, a weakened defense against gulf of mexico heart disease, and accelerate the aging process. Free radicals cause the body to be in a state of 'stress' (oxidative stress). When the body feels no pressure, the force of the crisis on the metabolism in the body that make the hormone in the body to store fat because your metabolism is lowered.
Overall gulf of mexico this destruction, gulf of mexico the occurrence of cell function decline, decreased energy mengjana process by the body, the aging process is very fast. Free radicals are the factors that cause us to age in line with life. But the process occurs normally in the body from outside the body. Free radicals which come from outside the body comes from emotional stress, unhealthy diet, toxins, gulf of mexico lack of exercise, pollution and so is the reason you need to take vitamins and antioxidants as supplements to help cover our bodies.
This is an example that we can see in our environment banana process gulf of mexico that has been oxidized due to free radical process earlier. The same process with a rusty iron because iron undergoes oxidation process. Our skin can never be like this. That is why the more we age, the skin can become dull, wrinkled, striped, pigmentation and sagging result of oxidation processes in the body. In the body, free radicals destroy cell membranes and make the cells susceptible to damage and pathogens. Free radicals damage DNA and mitochondria (the basic structure of all tissues gulf of mexico in the body) and causes a lot of health problems.
Antioxidants help control the formation of free radicals by donating an electron to the free radical completing 'lost' and improve gulf of mexico treatment molecules again. Molecular be happy again because it is perfect.
Scientists have conducted a study on dietary patterns of French people who eat a high-fat meat and drink red wine with many, but heart disease is lower in France. After years of study, scientists discovered the secret behind the French paradox where there Resveratrol in red wine.
But do not worry, Vivix is made from red wine otherwise have been extracted from the natural gulf of mexico plant to produce the resulting scientific discoveries are much better than red wine! This is because the fare Vivix contains gulf of mexico as much resveratrol found in 100 glasses of red wine.
You need to choose Vivix Shaklee because of its benefits are: A powerful antioxidant that helps fight harmful free radicals; Help reduce inflammation; Helps increase energy gulf of mexico and reduce fatigue; Helps increase your metabolism; Help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system; Help reduce the risk of freezing dar
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