Wednesday, April 15, 2015

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For articles indexed in the Web of Science or SCOPUS, will be paid a cash consideration | Faculty of Foreign Languages
Faculty Departments Department of English Philology Department of German Philology Department of Romance Philology Department of theory and speech translation English Department for Professional Communication International Activities CMD NIU Quality Policy Our graduates Translation Center linguistic consulting Collaboration Contact Education Undergraduate Graduate Foreign Languages for Foreign Economic Affairs Translatology Theory and Practice of Translation and practice of teaching foreign oil spill languages in high school language support international cultural and sporting events in Moldova Speciality Degree of self Reports National Research Science oil spill Scientific Conference mugs Scientific and educational publications Ogarev-online Register online Development of electronic educational resources (RAR) Contests grants, fellowships and scholarships for students Student Council Union Bureau Pedotryad "Heritage" Ogarev-online - electronic scientific journal, standards, regulations AGM. EXAMS: time and materials Science student translation circle Language Bridge KVN "18 oil spill there!" Department 18 Schedule of examinations and Achievements Vacancies Online-English tests Entrants contests and competitions News Important Events Video Creative Photography Students Teachers
March 26, 2015 in Moscow State University. NP Ogarev approved the regulations on the promotion of the publication activity oil spill of employees of the university. For scientific articles indexed in international databases Web of Science and / or SCOPUS, university employees will receive oil spill a cash reward. Introduction of incentive payments designed to encourage active employees of the university in the publication of scientific papers in top scientific journals. Publications in journals indexed in the Web of Science and SCOPUS, provide improved position in the Russian university and the world rankings of universities and research organizations. Blank memo that you want to submit to assign incentive payments in the attached file. Appendix The situation on the promotion of publication activity
You may also be interested in: INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGISTRATION Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU SCIENCE oil spill INDEX SYSTEM AND STEPS (Simplified) instructions for registering on the site ELIBRARY.RU Register as an author on the site and in the elibrary Science Index (simultaneously) you can by clicking at the following link: oil spill for registration: 1) ... extramural scientific and practical Internet-conference (articles oil spill and payment until 23 September 2014) Information provided by Conference Organizing Committee ( invite you to take part in the scientific and practical Internet-conference (in absentia) "Scientific research and their practical application. Current state and the development of '2014', which will be held in ... Fritz Thyssen Foundation named Applications for participation in the program of research (science and humanities) Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Applications may be submitted throughout the year. Organizer: Foundation named Fritz Thyssen. The scholarship is intended for foreign applicants ... Magazine "Philology. Theory and Practice "(WAC, RISC) Publisher" CERTIFICATE "invites scientists and education, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students to publish scientific articles: Journal of Philology. Theory and Practice (included in the list of VAK has impact factor RISC reviewing incoming articles strict ... On modern system of evaluating the effectiveness of scientific publications Please bring to the attention of all departments about the modern system of evaluating the effectiveness of scientific publications One of the key indicators widely used around the world to assess oil spill the work of researchers and research teams, is ...
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Popular IX Inter-regional competition for the best translation of the speech department of theory and translation of Mordovia State ... Dates Summer Session 2014-2015 Account. The term of the summer session 2014-2015 Account. g .: Dates summer with ... Warning! Intersessional control performance (2 semester 2014-2015 oil spill uch. G) ORDER Conduct at the Faculty oil spill of Foreign Languages ... Online poll: the satisfaction of teachers and students of the quality of work and education Dear Colleagues, Department of Quality Management image ... Remote Olympiad translation Homo interpretans Department oil spill of theory and practice of translation, Volgograd Educat ... International

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