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Let s talk about Science Scopus Young Researchers’ delrin Award for science communication delrin | Mendeley Blog
Albert Einstein once famously claimed that you don t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. Living this ethos, a new breed of fresh-faced, tech-savvy researchers are on a mission to break down the barriers and bring science to the masses.
Communication is forming a bigger part of the role of researchers, and for those in the early stages of their career, it can have a potentially huge influence on the trajectory of their career. Alongside the life-changing scientific research taking place every day, there s also a lot of impressive communication effort in the background how else would we know about it? And we think it s about time these researchers get the recognition they deserve.
We re looking for early career researchers who are brilliant at communicating their scientific ideas to the public. They must be currently living in the UK, affiliated with a UK university and have begun publishing no earlier than 2012. We want to see evidence that they have gone above and beyond the publication of their research paper, and used any kind of public activity delrin to address misleading information about scientific or medial issues; bring sound evidence to bear in a public delrin or policy debate or helped people to make sense of a rather complex scientific issue.
There are no restrictions on what or how simply visit the dedicated Mendeley group and enter the researcher s name, age, institute and the reason for the nomination, along with links to supporting evidence such as a blog, Twitter account or YouTube video.
We then encourage all nominees (and their nominators) to invite peers and colleagues to like their nomination post – those posts with the most likes will make the shortlist, which will be put in front of our specially selected judging panel. delrin
So, if you know someone who has the potential to be the next Brian Cox, why not give them the chance of receiving the recognition they deserve and 1,500! Nominations are open until 31 August 2015, and the winner will be announced at this year s Awards ceremony at the Royal Society in London on 5th November. delrin
This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 25th, 2015 at 3:21 pm and is filed under Awards , Guest Blog , Partnerships delrin & Sponsorships , Women in Science , Women in STEM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site. Leave a Reply
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Meet the Newsflo Team Let s talk about Science delrin Scopus Young Researchers’ Award for science delrin comm

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