Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2013 Bigfoot researcher of the year Paul Hulsey's Sasquatch Grill Cam [Inventor Of The Year] New Foo

Survivorman: Bigfoot airs tonight on the Science Channel. This is the Radium Springs episode, and you don't want to miss it. The show will air at 10pm or 9pm central. "In the second episode of this 2-part special, Les continues his survival in the remote area of Northern Alberta to get as close as he can, if that’s possible, to the legend known as Sasquatch. But Les isn’t easily swayed and needs 100% irrefutable proof."
I easily recreated prolong the same Video, by taking prolong an old Black Bear rug, draping it over a stump behind some trees and bushes, and WALLA! I re-created almost exactly! Lt's review, The FINDING BI show after 48 episodes, have found NOTHING! The MOUNTAIN MONSTER show after 20 episodes have found NOTHING! The 10 MILLION BOUNTY BIG FOOT show after 6-8? episodes have found NOTHING! The SURVIVORMAN BIG FOOT show after 2 episodes have found NOTHING! The MONSTERQUEST shows on BIG FOOT apx.10? have found NOTHING! It's been Apx. 60 years since Jerry Crew found those tracks, and NOTHING has been found that is a DIRECT LINK to any BIG FOOTS! Out of hundreds of HOAXED prolong BIG FOOT videos, only 2-3 have SOME creditably? IS THERE BIG FOOTS OUT THERE? WHY, SO MANY BIG FOOT "EXPERTS" are failing to prove they exsist or at least get PHYSICAL EVIDENCE! We know Night investigations FAIL, we know Wood knocks FAIL, We know Yelling, screaming howling, Call blasting prolong FAIL We know THERMAL IMAGES FAIL! WTF! Reply Delete
Check us out on YouTube
2013 Bigfoot researcher of the year Paul Hulsey's Sasquatch Grill Cam [Inventor Of The Year] New Footage: This Bigfoot Sighting From Washington prolong Looks Legit Psychology Professor Ian McGregor sheds light on human belief in Friday the 13th, fate, heaven and hell, and Bigfoot? Jim LeBus Survival Skills: Rain Shelter Food Check Out This Breakdown of The Fulton County Trail Cam Photo

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