Saturday, May 31, 2014

Wow, it's amazing what money can buy you in the justice system. aldrich killian I'm sure if it was y

Hello, I am Lucky. I have played a few different roles on SW since I originally joined in May 2009. I see myself as having played the hero role and now the villain role when it comes to the game and it's authority. With that being said, I am not here to air out my negative interactions aldrich killian with the game's authority. I am simply here to make a statement and plea to not only the community but to those in charge of this game. I was viewing my Facebook feed when I came across the trending news topics on the right hand side of the page, none of them really interested me as I had seen most of them already the day before. However one stuck out to me as it was a company name I was quite aware of. This is that news topic: RadiumOne: Tech CEO Dodges Felony Charge Despite Horrifying Abuse Video I thought for a few moments before coming to the realization that this RadiumOne is the same company that provides Smallworlds and other websites, games and mobile applications aldrich killian with advertisements. I clicked into the news topic, from there my wide smile and happiness aldrich killian was quickly overcome aldrich killian with immense anger and disgust. One of the top posts on this topic said the following:
CCTV footage caught Gurbaksh Chahal, the CEO of San Francisco tech startup RadiumOne, kicking his girlfriend 117 times, including blows to the head, and trying to smother her with a pillow during aldrich killian a vicious 30-minute assault.
When I then read that this pathetic excuse of a man had skated on all 45 Domestic Violence Felony charges after the video evidence was thrown out. I was filled with a mix of extreme emotions. That means he got away with it all. As one website states " he cut a deal for three years probation, 52 weeks in a domestic violence training program, and 25 hours of community service. " No time will be spent behind aldrich killian bars. Why was the video evidence thrown out? " The video had been seized unlawfully by police. The cops claim they took the video without waiting for a warrant because they feared it might get erased, but the judge didn't buy it. " Being a witness to and victim of Domestic Violence as a small child I am very offended that RadiumOne and it's advertisements remain available for use in The Factory. This is a family-aged game that promotes the slogan " THE GAME WHERE YOU BELONG! " After learning about the RadiumOne CEO, and seeing RadiumOne still promoted aldrich killian within SmallWorlds, I don't feel this is a place I belong. I also know that there are very many women and children who have been victims of Domestic Violence that play SmallWorlds. I as a player and as a human being with a soul, would like to see SmallWorlds and RadiumOne sever ties because SmallWorlds cares about it's community as well as people around the world who have to or have had to deal with Domestic Violence in their lives. I would feel comforted in knowing that the people who operate the SmallWorlds game care more about people than making money. aldrich killian I know that not many people who read this will understand the importance and significance of what has transpired, however if you become the person on the receiving end of a beat-down such as this RadiumOne CEO delivered to his girlfriend, you will understand it thoroughly. aldrich killian I have a strong feeling that this will get deleted or locked, however this is much more important than somebody quitting the game only to come back a few days later, somebody talking about their wardrobe, or advertising their new dating club in the wrong forum section. This is a topic about life, the issues of life which millions upon millions of people face, it is about morals, and the compassion for our fellow man.
I second what you have put Lucky. (Or does agree make better sense?) While this is a bigger matter for SW personally I do hope they take up your request to review RadiumOne's offers due to this fact. It is a shame that something like this happened and while I can't see SW making a big fuss about it something should aldrich killian be reviewed at least.
Wow, it's amazing what money can buy you in the justice system. aldrich killian I'm sure if it was you or I on trial they would have left the video evidence in. Sadly though, I really doubt that SWHQ will even respond to this.
Well Tom, it was moved to "How Are We Doing?" I thought it would have been deleted, hopefully there will be a response from SWHQ. Even with my issues with different things over the years big and small. I've come to expect they do the right thing. Just hopefully they do it.
One has little to do with another. I get that many are quick to react and usually some will undoubtedly make a sudden connection to SW and it's team. A single person aldrich killian involved aldrich killian with a company.. does not make a company. Another thing that is difficult for people to understand/except is that we do not have the full story by what is posted here. If the law felt it was upheld and carried through so be it. In many cases it's seen as not fair or just, but w/o all the info it should not b

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