Saturday, May 3, 2014

Are we agreed? When they are in a biofilm, maintains the actual social network by communicating cel

Bear rubs
Emil and Esther and Emma are not the only ones small frolicking on the institution's toys. This makes the bacteria and viruses as well. Three healthy scientists now gives bacteria and viruses fight. Read the original article here
Sick with snot and "11-ones" in our children, we soon had enough of. - How many days in winter were you home from work with a snotty kid? - How many of your own sick days could perhaps be traced back to a teddy bear or princess castle web of science in your child's body? - How many sick days have staff mon had - because of the teddy bear? - What is it perhaps cost the whole society, to a teddy bear or other toy spreads "11 metals" to children, parents and staff. Since 2010, the Danish research project "Health in Children's institutions" or SiB, tried to make it clear how to reduce the number of sick days due to "normal" infectious diseases. SiB project has three PhD students (box), each of which examines one of the fundamental aspects of infection at day care: 1 Institution infectious micro organisms. 2 The microbial "community" on surfaces. 3 The potential for active anti-microbial surfaces.
Post-graduate studies in SiB project Explored topic PhD student Bacteria and viruses in day care: identification and occurrence in the environment Tobias Ibfelt doctor Infektionshygienisk Unit Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Coexistence of bacteria in biofilms Genetic characteristics of adhesion to surfaces Jonas Stone Loop Madsen cand. Sc., Biology Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen Nano Fibres for antimicrobial surfaces: Reducing the risk of infection in day care centers Troels HB Eriksen cand. Eng., nanobiotechnology Danish Building Research Insitut, Aalborg University
Day-care institution's second smallest inhabitants - bacteria Which microorganisms "having fun" really with the kids in the toy? Tobias Ibfelt found that there are many bacteria, both respiratory bacteria and intestinal bacteria everywhere in the 23 institutions he studied in Copenhagen, Nyborg and Hørsholm. But most important is that none of these bacteria were pathogenic (ie disease-causing). In contrast, their mere presence on the tables, the bathroom, the kitchen and the toy that in institutions spread content of both snot noses and diapers.
Day-care institution smallest residents - virus Tobias also searched if necessary. web of science pathogenic viruses in the same places in the 23 institutions where he found bacteria. Viruses are not alive but true parasites who always need a living host (as a person, another animal, plant, bacterial, etc.) to multiply in. Virus genes (DNA and RNA), however, can be traced - if enough of it. When people have a viral disease that spews we have lots of virus, so "virus hunter" can easily detect them. But on a toy or a dining table there can be very few and far between DNA and RNA molecules. Therefore, molecules must first be propagated using the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction) web of science before web of science you can track them. Together with DTU Food Tobias had to develop a new method to detect viral genetic material of toys and surfaces. It was found in the tested day care centers, in contrast to the harmless bacteria contained as much as 97% of all samples of different pathogenic viruses. They could include tracked on tables, pillows, nursing pillows, and especially on toys. Most of the samples showed common cold virus (eg. Boca-, rhino-and adenovirus). On the other hand, there was hardly any diarrhea virus (eg. Norovirus and rotavirus, see figure).
Bacteria networks also how the bacteria at the micro level "having fun" at day care, examines Jonas Stone Loop Madsen. Jonas knows that bacteria work best when they are together. They are clearly part literally social networks. Some call it slim - microbiologists call it biofilm, see Fig. We now know that it is actually the bacteria's natural state to exist in a micro-society web of science of interactions, some positive, some negative. Many of the individual bacterial species in the community separator namely polymers, which we see as mucus. Slimy makes both the bacteria adhere better to the surface - such as teddy bears - and that they are resistant to external influences such as drying, chemicals and especially against disinfection.
Are we agreed? When they are in a biofilm, maintains the actual social network by communicating cell and cell from. Here separates each cell a little bit of certain chemical compounds. When the cells as "brands" that the concentration of the compound in their environment is high enough and therefore "marks" that they agree that it is time to change your lifestyle (ie, quorum sensing) to change the behavior. It may be that the metabolism switched to other pathways. Jonas ha

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