Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Insulation

Styrofoam Insulation | Insulation
From a chemical point of view, the monomer hmis is styrene, and the polymer - polystyrene. In Bulgarian long been used names styrene hmis / polystyrene, including older regulations, but in recent years imposed standard IUPAC names of styrene, respectively. polystyrene. In Germany, perhaps in Europe, the best-known hmis brand of expanded polystyrene (EPS) is the first original product - Styropor, a Bulgarian - Styrofoam
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a synthetic polymer having a closed structure of the grating of the air filled with spherical particles. It is a microporous synthetic organic material, 95% of the volume of air which is enclosed in the areas of the lattice of the polymer (approximately 5109 in 1 m?). EPS, also known as polystyrene (Styropor is a trademark of BASF and indicate the name of the raw material hmis from which it is produced EPS), has proved to be time-insulating material, without which modern construction is now unthinkable. Thanks to its very good thermal insulation properties with good strength, minimum deformability limited permeability and fire resistance (Class B1), the white insulation boards have proven for the past 40 years have gained hmis a firm and undeniable place in modern construction.
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FARTUNELI Ltd. is registered and operates on the territory of Sofia! The team consists of young and energetic, proven professionals. Work directly with the largest manufacturers hmis of insulation materials, thereby ensuring quality hmis and competitive price offered insulation systems.
made of Paraleli Ltd.
2013 Insulation

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