In the periodic table, will soon be another element. This can be superheavy elements and radioactive and a temporary name ununpentium. It was first synthesized by the Russian scientists from the Institute for Nuclear Research Currently, the experiment was repeated by their Swedish adsorption and germantsi.kolegi.
Translated from Latin, ununpentium oznachava115. This will be the place to take in Mendeleyev's adsorption table, if it is recognized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Looks. Swedish and German scientists have confirmed that Russian adsorption nuclear physicists were in no doubt the last ten years, sashtestvuvanet of ununpentium. Scientists at the Swedish University of Lund in particle accelerator bombarded americium (metal synthesized in 1944) with calcium ions. The result has occurred in the core of the superheavy adsorption element 115. This is just as Russian scientists ununpentium have been synthesized for the first time in 2003 in Dubna, near Moscow.
For a long time, the fact of the existence of elements heavier than uranium, that occupy the position 92 of the Periodic Table of Mendeleev, has been questioned. Such elements do not exist in nature. Many of them were first synthesized by a scientist, adsorption and just at the Institute for Nuclear Research. Element 105, for example, was opened in 1970. By decision of the IUPA, C dúbnio he is named in honor of the Dubna Institute. adsorption
"These results should, in my opinion, be Nobel prize. All practical applications are based on the results adsorption of fundamental science. Should not be done immediately assess the importance and prospects of any research based on all possible practical results. This is contrary to the spirit of science. "
The number of elements, first discovered by Russian scientists from the Institute for Nuclear Research are a dozen. As a result of his work, the periodic increase in the elements as rutherfordium occupies 104th place in the table of fleróvio 114th livermório or element 116).
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