That's how you know the signs of the zodiac? 12? But no! Ira recently opened for me a new, 13th - "Bear"! And I always consider myself to be a true Aquarius, do not hesitate a second, joined the shaggy, sleepy and malinolyubivym series! :)
And how is it! Lay low in berlozhku under an old checkered Baby Soft after Sunday morning walk in the winter woods! Yes take with a little book (you can email, Aquarius all the same, no gadgets anywhere!), Or even a laptop with naushnichkami (and that, too, bears are blogs and listen to music!).
And certainly not a tea or cocoa with apricot jam can not do! :) Bear in fact tried in the summer epoxy time not wasted! And not "tops-roots" other selected, and brewed epoxy a variety of goodies lapno own hand-harvested (well. .. to be honest, not really "own hand-lapno" Mishka epoxy forgive his grandmother ;))!
But seriously (which is unlikely :)), after today's wonderful walk in the woods, riding a sled, delicious tea from a thermos and other simple pleasures epoxy of life (of which the very thing elusive happiness and is), I wanted to show you another Grelochka! It just so happened that all the previous ones were given away! Had to urgently and sew us Manyasha! Sewed in the last year, but only to photograph inspired today :) Look, even my tit happy outing out of hibernation and flew to pose together epoxy with a bear (pictured epoxy above) ;)
The design is the same as the previous Mishan: head tacked on tape Velcro, zipper on the tummy secret. In Puzik inserted bag filler, which is the same - cherry pits :) However, we recently more suitable bag is not warm and cool one almost dvuhgodolovaly Mishutka knocks all the angles on their way to the birthday already managed to "dress up" pre-holiday and got a black eye :)))) ready! :)
I wish you a lot of winter joys of home heat and winter! And I'm back in my zalazhu berlozhku under Baby Soft, with Harry Potter and cocoa until my little bear is fast asleep, ruddy nagulyany and full! :)
Helen, mishkoshtuchka interesting and original idea! Even interested epoxy :) Curious titmouse Ptakha))) Lightning enclosing masterfully, not much! And more ... I enjoy the new look of your blog, minimalist pleasant! Reply Delete
Lenulik, sit in front of the monitor, as if spellbound ... this on me so changes epoxy take effect in your blog! :)))) Love the new format, you can now enjoy the photos in all their glory! A marvelous photographs, each detalyushka causes aesthetic pleasure! Photos of tit complete ecstasy! :) Mishuta, mils! At first I thought he was a backpack! :) Helen, nice evening to you, and we are just now remembered about Harry Potter, it's time to reconsider. :) Youngest mishutochke gentle kiss! Reply Delete
Backpack still want yes!! Yulia, thank you!!! :) I have long wanted to change the look of your blog, my hands and finally came to this :) And yesterday I revised and one part of you ;) Hugs! Remove
Tess 09.02.14, 21:02
Helen, I'm so glad to see you (that's epoxy me on the right)!!) epoxy Already epoxy wrote to you, but once again, that like the new design of the blog! Mishutka cool! Oh, I know, this "friend" is needed in the house, and very fond of the children!) Great photos! Curious titmouse very decorated frame! Kostik now also engaged in photo hunt birds, but they are nimble :))))) Reply Delete
Helen! Went and did not recognize the blog - looked again - no, you're just ... Calm this design, the spring, I like! A bear! I admire! Photography attractive - attracted attention at first sight! Not hard knocks corners! Look out! Reply Delete
Helen, ahhh! I do not know where to begin! Eyes and thoughts ran ... Crazy like a new kind of blog! I really want to change his, but I'm afraid to touch it, because I have it and so knocks, many are not displayed. So I think if I start to change anything there, he suddenly disappear altogether. Need a professional, that could help me in my environment there are none, alas ... Really like your changes! Lovely profile picture, looks great logo and minimalism. A pleasure to be in your party! Mishechka charmingly soulful! Photos miracle! Bruises and bumps, as well whi Medvedik them small? My ever go too bluish, and now is on his knee, the bruises on her arm meet. Tit caught joyfully heart photoshoot, staring at the luxurious "hits." Linen, all very nice! I'm happy! Reply Delete
Olesik, thanks!! but you also have I! Even though I was doing it all at random, but then something happened the same! :) I'll write to you in PM! Medvedik snoozing a sweet, already yellowing bruise))) Hugs! Remove
Oh, yak nezvichno s Novi clearance, navіt not vpіznala spochatku :-)))
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