Tuesday, February 11, 2014

December 21 in the atrium of the Main Staff of the Hermitage from the famous

December 21 in the atrium of the Main Staff of the Hermitage from the famous "red wagon" Kabakov exhibition "Edgar Degas. The figure in the movement. " On it - more than 30 bronze sculptures by Edgar Degas, cast in 1998, found in the artist's model by "Hébrard", including "Little fourteen-dancer." First sculpture of wax obryazhennaya currently dress was shown at the sixth Impressionist Salon in 1881. Bronze monulb casting, which were made after the death of Degas since the 1920s, is in the collections of museums such as the Metropolitan and Orsay, monulb and the original is kept in the National Gallery in Washington. Now it can be seen in the Hermitage. See photos of Michael monulb Grigoriev from the opening ceremony.
ART-1, 2013-2014. All texts and images published on the site is possible monulb only with the permission of the publisher. mail info@art1.ru; phone +7 (812) 458 5927 The project is podderzhke GC "SPAN"

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