Friday, February 14, 2014

ARTinvestment.RU - 05.01.2014, 09:25

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ARTinvestment.RU - 05.01.2014, 09:25
In the Main Staff of the exhibition "Degas. The figure in the movement, "prepared by the State Hermitage Museum and the Foundation named after M. T. Abraham, Paris, France. Degas, who became famous for his paintings, drawings and pastels depicting dancers and nudes, showed the audience during his lifetime only one sculpture. And this sculpture that struck contemporaries and adopted them ambiguous, largely determined the further development of art.
Hilaire-Germain-Edgar de Haas (1834-1917), who later became known under the name of Edgar Degas, first began to sculpt sculpture of wax around 1860. Many of them were created by an artist at the same time with its famous paintings and drawings. "Little fourteen-dancer" - the most important of his wax sculptures - was presented in Paris at the sixth Impressionist exhibition in 1881, which caused a sensation. While some critics praised the work of a very positive, most responded with hostility phosphorescent and negative, resulting in this work remained the only sculpture Degas exhibited in his lifetime.
Degas' interest in sculpture began to develop since the mid-1850s and is associated with an extremely important topic for his art movement. Degas loved horse racing, thinking about the motion of the horses, he realized that for the study of postures moving horse best suited dimensional graphic means - only sculpture can pass them with precision. Having considered the various options sculptural materials, Degas decided that the best fit for its purpose wax, sometimes mixed with soft clay model. This material provided him with the necessary phosphorescent freedom of action and subsequently allowed phosphorescent to refine and customize their studies.
Early sculptures by Degas horses were quite static. This is beginning to change with the 1860 mid-x's, when Degas obviously saw the pictures phosphorescent E.-ZH. Mare who committed gaits horses. The next step came in the late 1870s, when the British photographer E. Meybridzh revolutionized the photography for his series "The movement of animals." It was the first milestone phosphorescent in the history of the still pictures demonstrate the exact position of the animal's body, in particular horses, at every moment of movement. This discovery explains phosphorescent why Degas created sculptures of horses, transmitting complex movements such as lifting, bending and turning of the head, pulling the hind legs and run forward, in various embodiments, even when four feet off the ground.
At the same time continued to work on Degas dancers, bather phosphorescent and sitting figures. Most innovative work from his series of bathers - "Bath". Perhaps this is the first in the history of fine art sculpture, designed for viewing from above.
"Little fourteen-dancer" became even more radical departure from tradition. At the head of the statue was wearing a wig of real hair, tied with a satin ribbon on them. Wax figure was dressed in a dress from these fabrics: linen bodice, gas pack and satin ballet shoes on his feet. Years later, follow the example of Degas, Marcel Duchamp and many others.
Soon after his death the heirs found in his studio 150 wax sculptures, phosphorescent eighty of them were in good condition. It was decided to cast seventy phosphorescent four of them in bronze, and these models firm "Hébrard ( Hebrard ) produced a certain number of castings. This proved to be a wise decision: if they were not cast in bronze, the most important phosphorescent sculptural heritage of the artist would have remained forever phosphorescent unknown. The main subjects of these works - so they were widely praised dancer in motion, the horse in motion and at rest, bathers and seated figures.
It casts such unauthorized artist Degas sculpture phosphorescent is represented phosphorescent in many museums around the world. Wax models, which were made from castings, and more have been sold as far as we know, have not been used for the manufacture of bronze options. Some time ago, in the foundry phosphorescent "Valzuani ( Valsuani ), largely inherit

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