When the Chinese mr lube delegation admission, Japan narrator is Zhang Yimou "bounce case" exposed many social
mr lube 1903, Marie Curie has become the most famous mr lube woman of the world. Not long ago, she won with Buel Curie and Henri Becquerel shared the Nobel physics prize. Newspaper headlines dramatically, requiring thousands of autograph letters, numerous invited lectures, through seances surgeon "media" came "dead ghost" message, honor, new titles, news reporters, photography division, curious mr lube people visit, and so on - all of this (P212) unpopular things are like when the church to pray for God to sing carols mr lube as overwhelming, fell on her head. Manufacturers of industrial products market wide product please her praise sentence. mr lube A horse expert, ask permission to use her name for him a good horse named. Over the years, people worship focused on her, she became the hottest people in the community. However, only one is an exception. One day, she went to Berlin to lecture, when the train and found there were no people around to coax up, she was very happy. The original people are flocking to the other end of the platform, the same car to welcome her to the world champion Jack Templeton race. World No. physicists did not like the first number of the world as an important celebrity boxer.
Today is known as Marie Curie Sklodowska Mani Ya Swan may, born to a Polish dignitaries and honest peasant family. Her parents were out of the labor on the land and into the body to clear the door of higher education. Her father was a professor mr lube of physics at universities of Warsaw and his mother was highly successful pianist. Mani Ya (Mary's mr lube nickname) has inherited her father's wisdom and her mother's skilled, very early on became interested in experimental science. But her parents refused to let any one of five children to go hard on learning, because the family has a root cause of TB. Just Mani Ya bent on drilling in the books, her mother would hand gently stroked her head and said:. "! Go to the garden to play it, how beautiful outside Mani Ya Yeah"
After Marie Sklowdowska wife's death, the family was poor and grief, we sat around the table, the relative �欷.玛妮亚 father wanted to make Poland due keen to get rid of the Russian Czar's brutal rule, freed, then lost his teaching position colleges and universities. He organized mr lube a school and many B & Bs, but with little success. He seems to have been difficult to maintain a life - need to feed four mouths, and clothe four human body, but also to educate the developing four small hearts. He was helpless, he gave all the little savings to buy a stock as an investment, desperate hope, promise to resolve his power increasing needs. However, he was not even in this capital also gambled gambling. He lost all hope.
They have the ambition of the Polish people, a freedom being chained body soul ambitions. Adams may Rodolfo Chomsky children, like their father, are rebels. They struggle to overcome difficulties and hardships, but also for the struggle against the tsarist tyranny. Every morning, Mani Ya walk their way to school, to go through a statue that says "dedicated allegiance to the emperor of the Poles" - in fact, is dedicated to those who are not loyal to the motherland and the Poles. Mani Ya never forget this statue to spit on a spit. If you sometimes forget, mr lube she also specifically turn back to make up the lesson - even late for school expense.
This brave little rebel, not only those in the chase behind the pressure, but also in front of them, said her resentment against oppression. On behalf of foreign domination forces teachers in the middle, there is a lady Meyer, was sent by the German Academic supervision. This "carpet wearing shoes mouth, like a snake general provocateur" is a small stature but big heart but hate the woman. She made her Polish students live life unbearable, especially for the "who called Marie Sklowdowska" girl. This child dare to contemptuous smile back to the top of her drug abuse, and does not always meet in just wordlessly, contemptuous smile. One day, the "provocateur" rough coarse hands and feet do not attempt to Mani Ya Polish tame curls straightened, compiled traditional German girl (P214) pigtail. However, wasted effort.玛妮亚 hair, as did her spirit will refuse to obey the tyrant get comb fingers. Ms. Meyer is her Polish students' willful contempt of all head and eyes "made furious. Finally, she shouted out: "Do not stare at me like I forbid you to this eye down at me!!"
Mani Ya happily agreed, because she likes to play, and like to work the same. In this way, she let her "mind" have come to enjoy a lazy. "My kid," she wrote to a friend 卡西娅 school said, "I do not believe there is now something called geometry or algebra in the world! .. She roaming in the woods, in the bed nets shaking, swimming, fishing, playing shuttlecock or badminton, or just lying on the grass reading, to spend a summer day. "These books will never be what serious work, I tell you, they are just some of the absurd and just harmless fiction . "Winter came, she danced around the clock. Ah, those Polish dance! Begins at sundown, dancing pleasure of the crowd turns to the leading man playing the violin, from a farm to a second farm, jumping all night, and Jump to the next morning, mr lube they jump to the next day in the evening, has been jump on the third day of the sunrise in the crowd dancing, attitude is the most beautiful and most tireless Mani Ya Marie Sklowdowska. "Young people throughout the city of Krakow Markov have asked me to jump with them ...... nice guy ...... you can not imagine how happy I am in the next morning ...... before we jump final song White Mazurka dance. "At that time, she had to throw away her brown leather shoes, because" mr lube the sole has jumped to wear ...... "(P215)
Although it seems a bold plan, but actually through the line.玛妮亚 in Mrs. B's house became a "teach the maid." The B wife, both stupid and vulgar, and demanding of others. She lit a lamp to be fuel-efficient, and they bet big bucks from the money. The young family female teacher wrote: "I can no longer stand it anymore ...... that even my worst enemy, I do not want to see her live in such a hell." Her good luck, for a place of work , to find a common sense of how many people understand that. Her new "housewife" Z lady, although harsh on others with her former club entirely the same, but not so philistine phase. "Z bad temper, but is not considered a bad woman ...... her children in groups, mr lube several of which are indeed as people like."
But she finally overcome despair. Sri Lanka can not the kind of Rodolfo Chomsky a suicide type. She also taught from books to live a life to live frugally, continue aid at Paris (P216) to learn reading Prey Nia. The latter is due to the help of his sister, and because the innate mr lube ability to endure hunger and cold, and finally hard to read medicine, to get a Ph.D., and a medical student Benghazi Kashmir 'Drew Chomsky married now ready玛妮亚 fulfill her agreement with that part of her duty. Young family female teacher was finally able to realize her dream of entering the University of Paris!
Mary Marie Sklowdowska - the way she wrote in French to her first name, and on the register, write the names behind: Science student; age of twenty-three; hair sallow; personality Love static; ability privileged. In class, she always sat in the front row, but one after class, just like a shadow slipped away. Social customs of her past love destroyed, this painful experience rooted in her heart that she is now afraid of dealing with people in the community. College students have praised her, saying she was "beautiful hair, beautiful eyes, tall and graceful, but unfortunately that is any different people speak."
For four years, "she lived a life like monks." Because do not want to burden her sister, she lived alone. She rented a room upstairs loft six Latin Quarter, housing money fifteen francs (three U.S. dollars) per month. The only light from the upper floors of a louver inclined ceiling. The room neither stove nor running water. In such a "prison", her food only bread, butter mr lube and tea, a rare one or twelve eggs, fruit, and that has been regarded as a luxury. In winter, mr lube she was like a toy in a size of a stove in with a few pieces of coal, and sat down to do the math exercises. Often long after the fire goes out, but also with frozen fingers to write in count. Then, almost two o'clock until midnight, she fell in thin iron bed covered sleep.
One day, They hit a visit to Paris in Poland was being Mr. Kovar physics professor Chomsky's apartment. "When I walked into the apartment," Mary wrote, "Buel Curie was standing in the balcony door 一扇 corner of the window and he looked very young, despite the fact that already thirty-five. caught my attention was his eyes showing the kind of candid expression, as well as tall as he displayed the kind of nothing restrained demeanor, I like his kind of leisurely, like a conversation to say the way I have like his simplicity, and his only (P218) serious and vibrant smile and we started talking about science ...... unconsciously, we have become friends. "
Buel Curie was the son of a French doctor, get a Bachelor of Science at the age of sixteen, eighteen years of age to get a master's degree in physics. When he met Mary, he is the director of the laboratory of the Paris School of Chemistry and Physics. His accomplishments have pushed him to the forefront of French scientists. He formulated the principle of symmetry crystal structure. Together with his 哥哥雅 all, he found a significant piezoelectric phenomenon - a phenomenon generated by the current pressure. He invented a new precision measurement of micro-current meter. In addition, he also created a highly sensitive instruments - everyone called Curie Scale - used to verify the results of scientific experiments.
Mary engage in housework, successive birth to two daughters, but still does not give up her doctorate in physics learning. At this time, she published an article about the problem of magnetization of tempered steel monographs, won a research prize. In the remaining time, she and her husband, to assist the experiment he conducted. Doctors have warned her left lung tuberculous mr lube lesions on - Sri Lanka's well-known problems may Rodolfo Chomsky and recommended her to the nursing home to recuperate. But Mary refused to consider this, she was too absorbed in her lab work. Then, she and Henri Becquerel for Buel experiments have taken place in interest. Outstanding mr lube French physicist who, in the test of a "rare" uranium salts, and found that it can launch a kind of apparently light through opaque objects. Becquerel put a uranium compound on a piece of paper wrapped in black photographic film, found that the compounds of uranium have left traces of radiation through the black paper on the film. We know that this is the first human penetration observed some bizarre light.
Almost from the beginning, they encounter insurmountable difficulties, and they have a handful of them to overcome. Dean of School of Chemistry and Physics experiment with them is a dilapidated shed. In the wet and cold studio, the average temperature in winter forty-four mr lube degrees mr lube Fahrenheit and down, the weak lung disease and her husband rushed pioneers exploring the field of human experiments do not yet know. Extremely poor with inadequate tools, they examined the characteristics of the uranium radioactivity found this mysterious metal can come from a radioactive atom - this scientific discovery, over the many years later (in 1945) resulted in the invention of the atomic bomb. At that time, Mary had an idea in mind:! Maybe uranium is not the only radioactive chemical element, there may be other chemical elements have greater "penetrate impenetrable substance" of it she must try to find it ......
But this is only the beginning of her research in a number of compounds of uranium and thorium in the laboratory, she also found a ray contained within mr lube a far more compounds of uranium or thorium can emit many times more intense rays. Well, this particular powerful rays come from it? Only one possible answer, that is, there must be a radioactive compounds of uranium and thorium is far more than a new chemical elements. However, the known chemical elements are checked, mr lube no elements have such a strong radioactivity. mr lube Therefore, she concluded that the there is still some kind of new elements have not yet known. Right, a new element.
Thus, this pair of "weird" scientists began ordering a ton of "junk", shipped to their wooden mr lube house. We looked at all funny. When each batch of "junk" transported to after a couple of them will land them a spade a spade into a rusty old furnace chimney inside delivery. Four years, They have been like a steamship cabin lit a pair of fireman, always kept shoveling Yeah, shovel Yeah - toxic smoke choked them both coughing and gasping for breath. They forget what is comfortable, had only one thought - from the raging fire of this metal to unearth the secret of the new element.
Typically, the Nobel Prize winner is going to go pro in Stockholm, Sweden collar, but it is difficult for the Curies trip. Their bodies are bad. They are still quiet, simple manner, mr lube humbly doing their daily work, life is so hard. They are used on all winnings are prepared to do the experiment, and for all personal interests are happily indifferent. When the therapeutic value of radium is certainly - it has proved particularly effective in cancer - a friend who advised him to put a couple of radium refining process to obtain patent rights. For the Curies, this approach can bring substantial revenue because of radium price of about one hundred and fifty thousand U.S. dollars a gram. But they refused. "Radium is a compassionate tool, it belongs to the world."
Very reluctantly, he visited all eleven mr lube Academy Academy of Sciences. Customary provisions, the candidate must be of such access, in order to qualify himself to enter the Academy, "advocating something." A Paris news reporter to describe this situation Buel Curie participate Academy "campaign": "The mr lube stairs, mr lube rang the doorbell, introduced his name, explained what he wanted - which a lot of unpleasant actions have called him . absolutely ashamed of, but worse was to follow: he shall (P223) shall enumerate their own to get the title, conduct some self-blowing
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