Process of photosynthesis Is the process by which plants lube convert light energy and life to come in the form of chemical energy in organic molecules that are created. Energy in organic molecules. Is used as an energy lube source in the survival of plants and all living things on Earth. Photosynthesis process may be considered as a single process of plants and creatures that can draw energy from the sun into circulation in the world.
Molecules that have the ability lube to absorb light in plants and creatures lube is a pigment (pigment) colors used in the process of photosynthesis. (Photosynthetic pigment) can be divided into three categories according to the nature of the structure of a molecule.
1. Chlorophyll is a pigment found in plants and creatures with the process photosynthesis. lube The structure consists of a section. porphyrin-like structure with Mg2 +, which is the center of the structure. And the lengths of the hydrocarbon. This is the most hydrophobic region, which is embedded on. photosynthetic membrane of chloroplasts display.
2. Phycobilins a pigment as accessory light-harvesting pigments found in cyanobacteria. And red algae Are structured as open-chain tetrapyrroles phycobilins lube processes associated lube with photosynthesis lube is known to have three types of phycoerythrin (or phycoerythrobilin) phycocyanin (or phycocyanobilin) and allophycocyanin (allophycocyanobilin) two species are not found. higher plants, but found only in cyanobacteria And red algae only
3. Carotenoids are the yellow pigments - orange. Commonly found in plants and organisms that can synthesize the light. Is responsible for helping to light accessory light-harvesting pigment for photosynthesis. And serves to protect from light. (Photoprotective agents) are a group of pigments that are yellow - orange. Commonly found in plants and organisms that can synthesize the light. Is responsible for helping to light accessory light-harvesting pigment for photosynthesis. And serves to protect from light. (Photoprotective agents) major structural lube Pigments this group. A hydrocarbon is a Which consists of 40 carbon atoms, lube which can be divided lube into two groups, namely carotenes and xanthophylls Carotenes are pigments that are orange or orange-red - a long chain of hydrocarbons, the xanthophyll are yellow or orange - yellow. This will consist of long chain hydrocarbons, there are elements of O is also available which are xanthophylls several types depending on the level of oxidation lube of the molecule.
Plants and creatures that can be synthesized with light. There are both prokaryote and eukaryote prokaryote is a bacteria that society group analysis with light. (Photosynthetic bacteria) lube and cyanobacteria are they eukaryote that photosynthesis include algae and moss, ferns, conifers, cycads and flowering plants, which create pigment that plants and wildlife species use the light energy to be used in the synthesis process. Light It may vary.
Considering the structure of the pigment used in photosynthesis process in all three groups. Are found to have properties in common. There are parts of molecules with lower shelf. Or non-polar Therefore, these molecules are embedded in the membrane within the cell. In plants and creatures that are prokaryote pigments are embedded on. photosynthetic membrane as plants and creatures eukaryote groups are orcas Nancy Hill, who served in the photosynthesis process is the chloroplast particular post.
Chloroplast most post. Chanel Fall is Organic shapes dykes. Can be clearly seen with a microscope (light microscope) chloroplast by a membrane, the second layer is the outer membrane (outer membrane) and inner membrane lube (inner lube membrane) lube with liquid, which contains enzymes used in the process. Photosynthesis dissolved species. This fluid is called the stroma was cut through by chloroplasts and electron microscopic study. Are found within lube is seen as a membrane overlapping into groups lube membrane (membrane) inside the chloroplast This list is called the thylakoid (thylakoid membrane) some of thylakoid be. superimposed layers The layers of thylakoid that graphite support at (granum) (plural is Granada (grana)) or grana lamellae and the not overlap lube called stroma lamellae and stroma thylakoid thylakoid membrane itself is. location of pigment used in photosynthesis process.
The graphite support, which is the thylakoid overlapping layers that, if considered in detail will be found. Overlap to hide that resembles a flat circular bag. Stacked layers Liquid contained inside the bag Call the lumen or inside the bag that thylakoid space.
To change light energy into chemical energy in the form of organic molecules it. It is divided into two phases: the reaction to light (Light reaction) the reaction of carbon dioxide fixation (CO2 fixation reaction).
Reactions that require light A process that occurs in the thylakoid. Light energy lube is the pigment was Then the energy is used to produce a high-energy, including ATP and NADPH in order to bring the energy of these molecules to the organic matter in the carbon fixation process further. Which occurs at Stroma in chloroplasts display.
Pigment types On thylakoid. To live together as a group with the adhesion protein species. Group of proteins on the thylakoid pigment is called optical system and voting (photosystem) in angiosperm pigment contained in graphics.
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