Energy is the ability to use light energy hydrogen peroxide to synthesize. The light energy plants receive. Is accumulated in the form of ATP and NADPH process is called reactive to light or light reaction in which two compounds that plants bring to convey power to freeze carbon dioxide. In a reaction that does not require light or dark reaction or Calvin cycle (see Chapter 3) into sugar and other compounds. This chapter has discussed the reaction to light.
We know already hydrogen peroxide that in leaf chloroplasts display. Membrane consisting of two layers within a fluid called stroma (stroma), which is a source of enzymes involved in the reactions do not require light. At the inner membrane is a structure that resembles a cyst called thylakoid (thylakoid), which are overlapping a set called Grass Namco (granum) and found in chloroplasts display. Namco spread the graphite. Between platinum graphite hydrogen peroxide tube connecting hydrogen peroxide the thylakoid called. Stroma thylakoid (stromal thylakoid) on the thylakoid membranes are a group of pigments that receives energy from light. Photosynthesis is a process used in many of the groups will contain several colors. In higher plants contain chlorophyll hydrogen peroxide et chlorophyll b and carotene carotenoids.
Sunlight shines green leaves. Some will reflect off Partially penetrate into the leaves. And some, only to be sucked into passenger colored pigments such as chlorophyll mainly serves to absorb light. And transfer of light energy to cascade. Likewise the top of the cone, the power to send to the bottom of the cone. To send to the chlorophyll and pigments in the. Reaction center (reaction center optical systems I and II) There will be a loss of light energy in the form of light and heat.
Group of pigments with 2 types each with the ability to absorb light energy at different wavelengths, hydrogen peroxide ie a group of pigments that can receive light energy wavelengths up to about 700 nm, the light I. or the group P700 pigment which absorbs light energy peak wavelength around 680 nm light system called II or P680.
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