Monday, February 17, 2014

Only that he understood and considered. Law

Figure and ground in the minds of the Russian people POST: 30.11.99
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Setting it was so. Leading training, talent into the role sheepish secretary, quickly faltered piece of business information, which is the first player in the game had to memorize and lossless transfer to another party, yet the waiting peroxide outside the door. And so - the chain.
Participants in the game, and drove out into the corridor, in turn, were in the audience, where there was training, and listened to the same order, from the mouth of the previous player. By the end of the game since the original information misquote players that not only laughed peroxide camcorder that is all checked for training purposes.
"Look, Ivan Ivanovitch went to the Ministry - knock us new computers. (By the way, do you know what Russian computers, it turns out better than foreign?). So, Ivan Ivanovich, may not have time to 12 to the meeting, and he asked if he would be late, to start the meeting without him. And he said - three people - Masha, Ilya and Eugene must pass an interview with a psychologist. This must be done before next Tuesday, either on Monday or Thursday to Friday, from one to three takes it. "
Participants peroxide in the game had to use techniques that would allow them to - remember all this "sound and fury" without loss of meaning and transmit the instruction to another. But I'll tell you a secret - nobody no reception ... not use. Nobody stopped the narrator did not ask him to repeat it, speak slowly, nobody peroxide pulled peroxide out a notebook and began to write down (Although peroxide it was not only "can", but expected!)
Seems to me that the task was just too ... easy. Figure the most important information so clearly stood out from the other things a gray background empty words that would be remembered and passed it on the right - even a nerd, but ... nerd - who has experience as a clerk in Russia.
Excuse peroxide me, dear Leading training communicative competence! It seems to me that you are not so much "competent" ... the realities of Russian office, peroxide unlike those you came to teach, "what information is important, peroxide and what - is secondary or just" junk "."
The most valuable information that petty bureaucrats Saltykov-Shchedrin our Russian memorized verbatim (umnitsy!) and generously passed one another (generally clever!) Just - fresh and dangerous nonsense Ivan Ivanovich about "Russian peroxide computers."
And the situation is this: nothing at all happens now, where important (important right?) "Business" meeting which was only ripped off, and specific instructions - unfulfilled (and whether we should do in a hurry to carry out these orders?).
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Only that he understood and considered. Law "reverse efforts" Vladlen

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