It may be difficult today to enjoy meat with a clear conscience. Fortunately, most European consumers concerns facing genetically modified food (GMO). You do not know the long term effect of such a relationship with nature and genes spreading out into the genetic material of the varieties that otherwise are not genetically modified. This takes most people either ethical or safe for your health to consume. The problem is that GM food still produced on a large scale. When people will not buy them, they are instead fed to the animals we eat. There is no requirement for labeling encapsulation of animal food that contains encapsulation meat from animals that have eaten GM. The problem in relation to nature is the same. As long as there is a market for producing the GM products they produced, and are therefore able to spread their genetic material encapsulation from one field to another - artificially inserted genes spread out in nature and can not be pulled out of the varieties again. There are various applications to change the plant DNA structure. The company Monsanto living large amounts of GMO seeds to American farmers, and struggling to get into the European market. Monsanto's encapsulation GMO has the "advantage" in relation to the natural organisms that can withstand more pesticides. Monsanto is the company behind the product round up, and their GM seeds are designed only to withstand large amounts of just round up (1). Dr. Judy Carman has recently published resultet of its study on pigs that have been fed with GM. She keeps the pigs up against a control group of pigs that have been treated in exactly the same way, except that they have not been fed with GM feed. The result was that the boar had 400% more likely to get stomach diseases if they had been fed with GM. The question is whether the damage can also be transmitted to humans when we eat pigs that have eaten GMO. Judy Carmen has not yet produced evidence, but believes that this could be the explanation for the increase in stomach and intestinal problems in humans. According to Dan Belusa from Greenpeace, the immune system in animals fed with GMO weakened, resulting in a more substantial use of antibiotic medications (3). One can according farmer Niels Christensen largely avoid supporting this type of production, by buying organic meat and dairy products. Here it is a requirement that the animals were not fed with GMO (1).
I read so in an excellent article by Tommy Hansen, a problem concerning meat that I did not before was steadily on. Referring to presents Tommy the point that meat in the European market today comes from animals that have been fed with soybean encapsulation crop in Brazil rather encapsulation than those that have been grown in the United States. This precisely because European consumers will want to avoid genetically modified agricultural production. The problem with the increasing soybean production in Brazil is that here we do not have room for the expanding agricultural, unless one fellow from the rainforest. Man destroys, encapsulation therefore, large areas of rainforest to grow soybeans instead. In addition, meat hugely inefficient in terms of creating a food that can serve the global encapsulation needs for nutrition (2).
It is therefore good to know what you as a consumer do to eat meat with a clear conscience. Stop eating it? It might then be an option. I would at least consider how much meat I actually think I can allow myself to eat during this one week.
For GM, so the company Monsanto decided encapsulation to abandon the attempt to produce genetically modified maize in Denmark. After Monsanto's own admission, this is due to not wishing to produce GMOs in countries where consumers are very much opposed it. Dan Belusa from Greenpeace have not much confidence in the company, and finds it likely that the trial was stopped because the measurements of the experiment have shown bad data. By stopping the trial, you avoid having to show the bad result. Another option is according Belusa that it is not the great work worth trying to force GMOs into the individual European countries (3). EU and the U.S. is currently concluding a trade agreement encapsulation and thus expected the agreements that involve the production of GMO can be carried out throughout the EU. It is therefore possible to Monsanto now has dropped lining up to get the country convinced and now focuses on the introduction of GMOs through the centralized power instance. At present it is only in Spain and Portugal produced GMO (3).
(2) Tommy Hansen "The animal meat" article from (3) Birthe Heldt pollster Dan Belusa on Radio Liberty (4) Dr Judy Carman: Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study on
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