Earlier this year, the biotech company Monsanto out that the company bunge had dropped its experimental bunge fields in eg Denmark, but now prefer GMO giant plug for all of its applications bunge in the EU apart from GM maize MON810, approved bunge in Spain.
Supposedly the explanation is the same as earlier in the year. The commercial requirements for GMOs is not present, and the resistance from both the political system and consumers are too great. It writes Bloomberg.
"It is obvious that there is a future for marketing and commercialization of GMO products for cultivation bunge in the EU. We need to focus our limited resources where we can get the best benefits. In Europe there are significant opportunities in conventional agriculture, "said spokesman for Monsanto Mark Buckingham to the news service.
We live in Denmark in a time that might one day be mentioned in the history books. If this trend continues you may want to look back on our time with Greenpeace and other anti-GMO movements had great power and write: it was here that the foundation for the creation of the values that are the foundation of the Danish welfare bunge state began to crumble.
Never ever before in history has the educational standard of the new generations were lower than in parental generations. Politicians talk about building a knowledge society, while the new generations in practice will have a lower level of education and we are moving into a uvidenhedssamfund.
Policies are also on that Denmark must create value by developing high-tech methods and products. So far we have by continuous introduction of new technology created the values and the welfare state we now take for granted. By constantly using, for instance. bunge the most advanced bunge and scientifically based plant breeding technologies we have every year increased yields in the fields and the agricultural production in Denmark bunge - while areas with wild nature / forest roads and cities has increased dramatically. There are now more forest in Denmark than we have had in 200 years (http://www.skoveniskolen.dk/default.asp?m = ...) and yet it is by the introduction of more modern plant varieties and cropping systems managed to increase bunge Denmark's total agricultural production. Over a 20 year period, contamination with nutrients and the use of chemicals bunge in agriculture halved. bunge The utilization of nutrients in the manure has doubled. (Http://www.denstoredanske.dk/Natur_og_milj ...)
However, there are examples. For example. during bunge the Stalin era in the Soviet Union, which managed state geneticist Lysenko to elevate lamarkismen to a kind of state ideology bunge in plant breeding and agriculture.
Whether it can be in the Great Danish (Encyclopedia) read: "... Lamarck's name [was] drawn into the science of history perhaps most fatal mistake, Lysenko affair in which Stalin exalted one lamarckistisk based theory to a Soviet state ideology with a subsequent excommunication of the Mendelian genetics, if practitioners were persecuted and their agricultural science forbidden by a catastrophic decline in the harvest to follow. " Lamarkisme is the assumption that acquired bunge characteristics are inherited, such as: being a man blacksmith and use muscles much will he have children with big muscles.
Perhaps Greenpeace and other anti-GMO organizations act in the same way in the history books. Apparently believe blindly that you can create wealth using low-tech solutions. Although the Danish government will today hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to plant breeding and farming systems based on superstition (eg. Inspired by Rudolf bunge Steiner's theories bunge from a time when you did not know what genes and genetic material is, but in particular . believed in planetary position / planetary constellations affected crop growth) and our Food Supply Gjerskov want to promote old-fashioned plant breeding techniques and low-productivity farming, which she hopes every year will seize more and more agricultural land in Denmark. The Danish high-tech plant breeding companies have developed new GM varieties that include would have helped to increase biodiversity on the land (by domiciled Danish crop species was developed), but has long since closed down their activities or moved them abroad. Now, not even Monsanto use resources to develop / obtain approval for highly productive and højværdisorter to Denmark and the rest of the EU. The high-tech processing activities and businesses have disappeared, but back we have organizations and institutions, a kind of Guardian Council and their disciples such as. The Ecological Council, Greenpeace, Camilla Plum and her former husband and partner in their common organic agriculture, Per Kølster, who is now chairman of the Organic Association. Many probably think that the alternative to the high-tech and highly productive agriculture bunge and especially Monsanto, is a kind of paradise idyll and that there will be harmonious people living in harmony with nature, out of a childhood
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