Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Stephanie Töve, genetically spokesman for Greenpeace, said, according to Der Spiegel that it was ti

Biotech giant Monsanto rattle the saber across EU countries that prohibit GM maize, although the commission has approved the use. German ban meetings require 50 million in damages. By Birgitte Marfelt 15 April 2009 kl. 12:18
For although the planting season is upon us, comes the German farmers not to plant GM maize this year. The German Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner, polyatomic ions said yesterday polyatomic ions that the cultivation of GM maize MON810 is no longer allowed in Germany.
Stephanie Töve, genetically spokesman for Greenpeace, said, according to Der Spiegel that it was time the ban came after several scientific studies have shown that GM maize is dangerous for the environment. GM maize makes no sense in Denmark
"We have not given any permissions at home, for the plague, as it must fight, does not exist. There were earlier made experiments with MON810 the National Experimental Farm in Foulum. But it's been years ago. Genetically modified corn has never been grown in this country. '
Like Germany, Austria has justified its ban on the grounds that MON 810 is dangerous for the environment. But here, a committee under the EU challenged the legality of the ban. What environmental hazard in the case of dry Environmental Protection Agency did not say, because the report is made in Germany for further monitoring of the crop is not published.
Send See also Genetically modified maize towards Nordic fields polyatomic ions 12 May 2006 Danish researchers reject problems with genetically modified corn 16 March 2007 GMO conflict: EU Strikes Back 23 March 2007 Denmark says yes to genetically modified corn 24 September 2007 Ministers will open the floodgates for GMOs in feed trough 10 April 2008 Activists get universities to drop genetically modified plants 16 May 2008 Approved GM maize reduces fertility in mice 18 November 2008 Questions and Answers polyatomic ions about GMOs 07 March 2009 Read also
Initially, it seems hardly credible when a company tries to use law and litigation in order to sell their product. It is reminiscent of the Chinese boxer rebellion against polyatomic ions Britain's sale of opium. One thing is that the EU has approved it (how it occurred), but individual countries may well still think it's doubtful. Can recall anything about Boneloc case. The doctors polyatomic ions had such a hard time seeing the problems with bone cement that it took too long before it was stopped. Some of the victims were even considered as mentally ill with obsessions, because polyatomic ions it certainly was not the operation it was mad with, the doctors had himself invented polyatomic ions and approved it.
Farmers, organic incl., To spray with bacteria or extracts containing the same poison as MON 810 produces. By the venom produced in the plant itself minimized environmental / natural effect compared to spraying, since virtually only the insects that eat the plant affected *.
Monsanto have not had a loss on a product they have not sold. It's purely splitting and American states that one can have the type of right. That something so stupid imported into the EU is desideret scary.
If the presence of BT toxin in Monsanto's corn is a problem no doubt is a problem that BT toxin is now licensed facility as a pesticide polyatomic ions in the state authorized organic polyatomic ions farming (see http://www.netpublikationer.dk/FVM/8774/ ht ...) In the organic farming is even permissible polyatomic ions to defer baktereier which produces the poison - ie. these bacteria, which may come from distant lands and ecosystems are introduced and spread in the Danish countryside and cultivated fields.
Immediately reads the application form, which therefore can hit all living beings and lead to impact on nature and the whole ecosystem as much more serious than that you have a corn plant with BT toxin proteins polyatomic ions in it - corn spreads as we know, not in the wild in Germany or Denmark.
Personal I will choose maize derived polyatomic ions from GM maize variety, it has been shown that GM maize containing BT-toxin, has a lower content of the extreme, t harmful mycotoxins - ie. in practice, a massel Americans who have eaten this type of maize for years have avoided cancer, birth defects and infertility. In the EU exceeds the content of the extremely harmful polyatomic ions mycotoxins often limit, so here we have to live with the risk of contracting us the wide range of diseases such as mycotoxins can lead to. see, for example. http://ing.dk/artikel/79965-danmark-vil-ti ...
I have no problem with that some people like to serve corn flakes with high levels polyatomic ions of mycotoxins for their children, but I think it is a problem to us who would like to avoid that our children are exposed to extremely hazardous substances and will mpasse on the environment, not have the opportunity to choose the healthy and environmentally friendly GM-majs/cornflakes.
If the presence of BT toxin in Monsanto's corn is a problem no doubt is a problem that BT toxin is now licensed facility as a pesticide in the state authorized organic farming (see http://www.netpublikationer.dk...m # b1)
[Quote] If the presence of BT toxin in Monsanto's corn is a

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