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okay, for a beautiful experience of the mission nh4 with 3 Jägerkompanie next Friday so I'm trying to put on some nice tweaks. finalizing In consultation with Grezvany we have already made beautiful flaggemasten, check them out! So now I was also thinking nh4 of placing. a flag at the base of the relevant group in the folder The German flag is in the bwmod, but the texture of the Dutch flag is not to be seen. What is strange is that the editor does give the opportunity to place a Dutch flag but nothing is visible. if you start the mission you get this message: can not load texture nh4 a2020_dutch_infantry \ data \ flag_holland_co.paa Who has a flag_holland_co.paa for me? thnks,
Seems clear texture is missing. Now I do not know exactly how to convert an image to a. Paa file and the dimensions of the texture nh4 should have, but there are probably people here who know ... ELNT bd
Thanks for the tip, I just tried immediately. But unfortunately in the files I looked in there is not .. anyway just in-game with this mod only gone and cba and unfortunately, you can still choose the Netherlands flag but the error message that he can not find him still. eingelijk we have the flag I stop the mission so he is not in the mod. is to do this on a workaround otherwise I'll do that NATO flag. here they are talking about a flag on a flag pole or a sign, but I want him on the map. Well no one has ever done that before? owh google flag markers is much better hits ... trying nh4 to look okay never mind .. NATO is just the .. what a job to find say .. phieuw ..
lol ... and now it wants me to look for side .. I'm finding that if we German, Tango Down and U.S. are all Blufor. And so you really want to drop as U.S. opfor. damm say .. I've just seen a nice solution that makes you the leader of the group and a opfor present at 0% put them all opfor are. They have retained their U.S. unit look. but well I want them to monspawnen. and then you have a leader as template needed. Spliffz came with addRating: so per unit, that would be very nice .. but have tried eea .. does not work.
(08-07-2013 06:13 PM) djlexNL wrote: so per unit, that would be very nice .. but have tried eea .. does not work. this addrating -10000; In init, the unit by all AI seen as hostile (what happens when you have too many civilian am and shoots). If you give players that they get +1 score for friendly fire, but the other is BLUFOR AI handle nh4 it. This can also: As insurgents in blufor: [getPos Apos, WEST, ["TK_INS_Bonesetter_EP1", "TK_INS_Soldier_2_EP1"], [], [], [], [] , [], 180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup Or DAC, you can choose which side groups fight all by yourself etc: some work to set unfortunately ...
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