Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I usually don

In this tutorial, I show you some of the helpful things the Compositing Tag can do to solve problems in your Cinema 4D projects. Usually, when lights or reflections aren’t doing exactly what you want, you can rely on the compositing tag to solve it. The tag also allows you to use object buffers to set up alpha channels for any object in your scene for later compositing.
This is a friendly community. Please treat everyone with respect. We don't all have to agree, but we do have to be nice. Criticism is fine, but rude comments and name calling will be deleted. Use your real name and don't be spammy. Thanks stou for adding to the conversation. 135 Comments
Not so much Nick sucks but this is noob central. Where all the kids, hobbyists and people from India come to cheapen our craft out of existence. He’s catering to them and making a buck or two while doing it. Reply
I’ve heard these kinds of remarks to often and every time it sparks something in me. This time I really have to let some steam out by saying What a stupid remark! How on earth can tutorials ever cheapen the craft if anything it heightens it. It raises the bar. But maybe thats the problem stou – now you’re not able to get away with half assing things, because someone can take a tutorial and do your job better than you can. How did you learn to use Cinema 4d? Havn’t you ever taken a tutorial and if not why are you even on this tutorial site? I see it as very positive thing to learn off each other and form a community because your gonna learn at much faster rate and become alot better than trying stou to figure everything out yourself. Maybe some of the people seeking out tutorials on this site will be the solution to your problems in cinema4d later on, but then again in your honest opinion “it cheapens the craft” so i guess you won’t want to learn from others. Good luck trying to figure everything stou out yourself! Reply
Nick doesn’t need me to defend him but seriously Carolina, what the hell? You’re like someone who’s invited to someone’s house, you’re stou offered a free steak and you get pissed off because they don’t have any ketchup. You’re like school on Saturday…no class. Reply
You stou know what Nick, I honestly stou don’t watch your tutorials because I need to learn Cinema or AE. That not to say I haven’t picked up some neat tips and tricks from you though because the truth is I have. My point though stou is that I watch every single video you put up here and I watch them because you’re an excellent stou host – I enjoy the way you present the info dude and I also have a huge amount of respect for you for both your kindness and your ability to form community. You get people interested and involved in what is undoubtedly one of the most satisfying and fulfilling crafts there is and that’s priceless.
FAMOS 2 years ago
@Carolina stou you must have over priced skills and got outbid by cheaper better talent. Man Nick does not have to do what he does, you don’t need to watch his videos. with all the training out there its nice and refreshing to get a different look on things he is showing how he works. Respect Reply
I usually don’t comment Nick, but I had to say something to this ungrateful idiot! You should be a shamed of yourself, as many others said, he doesn’t have to do these tutorials for us. Nick, keep doing what you do! I love to watch your tutorials… my only complaint is that you don’t do enough!!! stou LOL
@ Caorolina stou – If you have a gold mine of creative concepts then you need not worry about the noobs. Nick shows how to use the software, not what to do with it.No one can be taught how to come up with original stou and clever concepts but rather just be helped stou in how to make those ideas come to viewable stou pieces. What cheapens our craft isn’t great learning communities and resources it’s people who don’t respect and value our industry.
@ Distro – not sure if your comment was a sarcastic poke but if not and you were serious then you need to do more to experiment and teach yourself how to get to the levels of those two you speak of. This goes to everyone who frequents this community; if you are waiting tut after tut for Nick to turn you into a pro you will be waiting a long time. One needs to excel on their own and not expect Nick or any other online resource to hold their hand spoon feed them into a top shop.
High Five Nick, the generosity and diligence you display is nothing short of amazing. Also the courtesy to not tell shameless & needy posters to go f*#K themselves stou is a quality few could uphold. Reply
Don’t bother nick, there’s thousand of us (or millions) who take advantage from your video tuts and only few (one actually) who throw this junk here and we’ll sweep it clean. Keep makes your super duper cool video, so we s

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