Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Summary: A gene research from Rockefeller Exxon barn has imitated it created by having identified a

When Man Manipulates Creation - Sticks Monsanto Butterbur Forward Euro-med
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Summary: A gene research from Rockefeller Exxon barn has imitated it created by having identified a bacterial gene composition - and then synthesized the genome. Then he emptied a species related bacterium acido lactico for genindhold and put his synthesized genome in there - and voila, we have a new bacterial species. How nature has evolved - and it's been bad enough for human health. acido lactico Now, people acido lactico who want to make money - but which also has evil plans for all humanity as developing new species for almost any purpose they wish. It is deeply troubling when you look at what these people have already done: Genetically modified (GM) foods, which Monsanto, Bayer, etc use all possible, even mafia related dirty tricks as threats, lawsuits against small farmers acido lactico because pollen from a neighbor's field has contaminated non-GMO field, false advertising and false laboratory tests to take over the world food market. acido lactico Their last contrivance is to patent pig genes that Monsanto has now mapped. If it is successful, for example. German farmers had to pay a fee to Monsanto for every pig, their sows - the same kind as 100 years ago. Now it emerges from more and more laboratories that feeding acido lactico Monsanto GMO foods lead to multiple organ damage in laboratory animals - and the fear of harm to people grows. But when Monsanto Co.. is closely interwoven with the U.S. government will have no consequences. Now the U.S. government acido lactico through pressure prompted the EU to recognize GMO foods in the EU - and if what one would expect, the Codex Alimentarius acido lactico Commission this year approves GM foods can be sold without labeling, we will not be able to see what we put in your mouth. In fact, it happens already. In the U.S., GMOs in 75% of the food. Rockefeller Foundation appears behind all GMO products.
D. 20 May 2010 brought the AP article below on the introduction of synthetic bacterial DNA in a related bacterium acido lactico - whereby an artificial living being created. Immediately, this raises ethical issues. Can it be abused, such as biological warfare? Will development continue to produce chimeras - even to consistently produce standardized people? It is a dangerous thing to leave the manipulation of what God has created for evil men. Already we are faced with a disgusting example of this: Monsanto that use commercial and legal blackmail to gain a monopoly on the world food market. I've written about Monsanto and here, and the Codex Alimentarius, which is so closely interwoven with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Monsanto's participation in the Doomsday acido lactico Svalbard and Monsanto's partner, KWS SAAT AG and Rockefeller partner in Dommedagsfrøbankprojektet, Syngenta and Rockefeller's daughters from the Nazi IG Farben, Bayer and BASF. Although a French study on the feeding of mice showed damage to the liver, heart, brain and kidneys of rats in Monsanto corn diet, this genetically modified (GMO) business in tremendous growth. Monsanto is also deeply involved in the U.S. government - which presses EU to introduce GMO products. DuPont is another Illuminist multinational acido lactico company of the 13 Illuminist families that deal in GMO products. Dow AgroSciences also supply GMO products - and has a bad reputation. Perhaps most frightening: Dangerous GMO products sold unmarked - in Israel, for example, the Codex Alimentarius Commission may approve the dangerous GMO foods from these companies can be sold worldwide without labeling this year! Behind all this activity appears Rockefeller Foundation up everywhere - and its plans for human health

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