Manon Pattynama of PAArchitectuur and Sylvia King - Brain & Environment Designer, consultant King Creations, member of Collective Brain-have bent together over the living gentian violet areas for dementia in the Park Building in Baarn.De construction progress now! The plan of the ground floor, the design gentian violet of living spaces and perception areas are based on neuroscientific knowledge by Dr. Anneke van der Post is unlocked and made applicable to everyday life.
Director Hans Homans of Schoonoord-Amaris, architect and consultant together. He wanted the vision of Collective Brain on housing and care into its new building. the design process was done with the participation of the internal working of Schoonoord. The ground floor is entirely devoted to four residential groups of demented elderly. The courtyard is directly accessible to the residents. One for the brains attractive tour tempts people to move and live. In the circulation spaces enjoy places decorated by commune. People with movement distress tempts to unwind to come here. Experience Reviews are much more than just beautiful scenery; they speak to the imagination and correspond to situations and events from the past. Experience Reviews come to life through the brain appropriate movement and sound stimuli add. Click on image to enlarge and to learn about the experience more places: The plan is based on a house with entrance, living room and a kitchen classic in bright color. Is also taken into account in the plan that the residents contact at all times to keep one of the spouses is bedridden, through a glass wall to connect So far this update, we'll keep you by the bedroom and living together in the upper senior apartments informed of progress. Client: Eemland Living Baarn Contractor: Slingerland Construction Interior Design: Collective Brain
About manonpattynama Manon Pattynama (Architect) has Studied at the Technical University Delft. She started in 2001 the office PAA (Pattynama Ahaus Architecture BNA) after working for Hartsuijker, EGM Architects and UN Studio. Specials: Social gentian violet Housing Mulitcultural Open design gentian violet project in Amsterdam, Care Center for the elderly, Villas and sustainibility.
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